03; poison sumac

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! How's everyone enjoying the story so far? Please leave your thoughts in the comments, I love feedback!

Any way, here's the next chapter. Don't forget to like, comment, and vote! 😊


Clarke and Brigid were standing by a panel, staring at the laid out map that Clarke had found. They just figured out that they had landed on the wrong mountain. "So we need to move that way then," Brigid pointed at where Mount Weather was located on the map. She looked up at Clarke, "If we want any chance to survive, we need to start moving."

"We got problems," Wells announced as he made his way over to the two girls. They both exchanged an annoyed look before rolling their eyes. "The communication system is dead. I went to the roof. A dozen panels are missing. Heat fried the wires."

Clarke picked up her pencil and chewed on the inside of her lip, "Brigid is right. The only thing that matters right now is getting to Mount Weather. Look. This is us." She made a dot on the map to signify that's where they were before taking the ruler and drawing a line to where Mount Weather was located, "This is where we need to get to if we want to survive."

Wells looked up at her, "Where'd you learn to do that?" He glanced back down at the map, where her hand was still pressed against the paper. She retracted her hand, dropping the pencil down and Wells nodded his head, as he watched the blonde's fist clench, "Your father."

Brigid took a step towards him, seeing how uncomfortable Clarke had gotten at the mention of her dad. "How about you don't talk about her father? How about you don't talk at all and just leave us the hell alone."

"Oh look, you found a map," Finn walked over beside Clarke, clearing the tension between the three of them. Wells looked away from the two girls, and Finn studied the distress on Clarke's face, "What's wrong?"

Jasper walked up behind Brigid, placing a hand on her back and smiling at her. "They got a bar in this town? I'll buy you a beer."

Wells stepped forward, "You mind?"

Jasper put his hands up in defense and backed up, so Brigid sent Wells a hard glare. "No, but do you mind? We've been down here for a half hour and you've already pissed me off enough to last a lifetime."

Wells reached his hand out towards the girl, but Jasper got in the way, blocking Brigid. So Wells pushed Jasper back. Someone called out from behind the group, "Hey! Hands off of him. He's with us."

Brigid turned around to see a group of guys making their way towards them lead by John Murphy. She remembered when he got arrested. He's been locked up for three years, anger problems after both of his parents died. Wells waved a dismissive hand, "Relax. We're just trying to figure out where we are."

"If you'd look down at the map, you'd see we know exactly where we are," Brigid mumbled under her breath gaining a dirty look from Wells, and a snort from Jasper. But Bellamy had overheard Wells, "We're on the ground. That not good enough for you?"

Wells shook his head before walking towards them so he was in the middle of the camp. He raised his voice so everyone would hear him. Taking notes from his father. "We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message. That has to be our first priority."

Octavia spoke up from beside her brother, a scowl on her face and crossed arms. "Screw your father. What, you think you're in charge here, you and your little princesses?" Her voice was filled with venom as she glared at the two girls who were standing behind Wells.

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