After Brigid's little talk with Bellamy, she headed back into the Dropship. Clarke had taken over Murphy's hammock, while Finn was trying to comfort her. Octavia and Murphy were tending to other patients - seeing as the sickness didn't last very long. She saw Murphy helping Miller, who was now showing signs of the sickness. She walked over towards them, "Hey. I'll take care of this one."
Murphy gave her a small smile, handing her the cold rag so she placed it on her best friend's feverish forehead. Miller let out a moan, "Hey, Callie. You know you got me sick."
She let out a small chuckle, the corners of her lips pointing upwards in a smirk. She sat down behind him, moving his head so it was resting on her lap. She kept the rang against his skin, combing her fingers through his hair. "It'll pass, don't you worry."
His lips parted slightly, a faint smile on his face, "I always hated being sick."
Brigid bit her bottom lip, tears welling up in her eyes and she darted them across the room where they landed on Murphy, who was staring right back at her. He was taking care of a younger girl who was coughing. He held her hair back, making sure it didn't get in the way. In the last few days, she's seen an entirely different side to John Murphy - one that she started to care for immensely. She didn't want anything to happen to him. She began to think that maybe she was right in the beginning, maybe he isn't one of the bad guys.
In her daze, Miller started to cough obnoxiously, rolling over his side and blood started to splatter against the metal floor. Brigid jumped backwards, her blue eyes growing wide in fear as her best friend couldn't stop coughing and throwing up blood. "Nate! Hey," Brigid yelled frantically, grabbing his shoulder but he just kept coughing. Octavia shouted towards her, "Clarke says when he does that, to turn him on his side."
Murphy ran over to them, grabbing Miller and moving him into his side, and finally the coughing seized. Miller let out a loud sigh, clutching his stomach with his hand before rolling back onto his back with his eyes closed. Brigid's mouth was hung open, tears staining her cheeks from watching her best friend - he could have died and she just sat there. She can't save anyone. Murphy noticed the shock on her face and placed his hand on her cheek so her blue eyes finally found his. "He's okay. Alright? He's gonna be fine."
Brigid nodded her head quickly, "Thank you."
She turned around to see Finn storming away from Clarke and towards the exit of the Dropship. She called out, gaining his attention. He started walking towards her, Murphy still next to her and Miller was resting his eyes. Murphy stood up, "Look, at this rate when the grounders get here, there won't be anyone left to fight back." Octavia looked up from the patient that she was helping, "That's the point."
Finn nodded his head, an idea popping up in his mind. Brigid was sure she could see a light bulb illuminating the top of his head. His lips curving into a small smirk, "Then we slow them down."
Brigid carefully stood up, making sure not to wake up Nate. She crossed her arms over her chest, "Oh yeah? And how do we do that?"
Finn licked his lips, "You said there was a bridge that you guys needed to cross to get back to camp. Sound familiar?" He raised his eyebrows and Brigid and Octavia's heads nodded simultaneously. It was the same bridge from Unity Day. "Now we just need a bomb."
The Dropship was getting more and more full of people who were sick. The entire bottom floor had been crowded from wall to wall. The third floor was still in quarantine but the second level had become a safe house of those who had the sickness, but were feeling better. Murphy and Brigid were the only two who stayed on the first floor, helping Octavia tend to some of the patients. A hammock had opened up, so Brigid helped Nate move onto it.

BADLANDS [1] bellamy blake
Fanfiction"Someone mixed up your spices, didn't they, Ginger?" "Not another word, Bellhop." [ the 100 season one ] [ bellamy blake ] BOOK ONE OF THE BRIGID CALLAGHAN SERIES