16; tortorous antidote

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Rory and Harper didn't even question Brigid when she came storming down the ladder to the second level with tears streaming down her cheeks. They just let her sit there between them, crying lightly and leaning her head on Rory's shoulder and Harper laid her head against the redhead. They just sat there for what seemed like hours in silence.

The Dropship shook abruptly, making the three girls jerk to the side and they all slammed their feet onto the ground for support. Brigid wiped the tears from under her eyes and blew out a deep breath before looking between the two blondes. "Okay, time to move on."

She stood up, pulling her hair off her shoulders and tying it up in a ponytail. She turned around to find her friends staring at her with wide eyes. Rory stood up, stepping closer to her and resting a hand on her arm, "You want to talk about what happened?"

Brigid let out a hollow laugh which caused Harper to jump out of her seat and walk over to her as well. Brigid blew out through her nose and nodded her head, "I told Bellamy that we should stop spending so much time together. That being close to me is a risk for his life."

Rory shifted her gaze over to Harper and they exchanged a look before the blonde spoke up. "What did he say?"

Brigid shrugged her shoulders, "I ran down here before he could answer." She looked up to find her friends giving her the same look that she was giving herself. "I knew if I stayed up there, looking at him - I would have changed my mind. But I can't lose him too."

Rory wrapped her arms around the redhead, hugging her tightly then Harper joined in. But the Dropship shook again, knocking them to the side and they all toppled over on top of each other onto the floor. They all erupted into laughter when the latch opened, Bellamy's voice shouting down, "We under attack or not?"

Rory bit back another laugh before answering him, "I don't believe so, captain! I think there was just some disturbance from the storm."

"Thanks Rory," He called back but he paused before shutting the latch. Brigid shoved her arm as they all stood up but his voice broke through again, "Is Brigid down there with you?"

Brigid's eyes widened as she stood there like a deer in headlights. She gave the two girls an uncertain look before Harper punched her arm. She croaked out, "Yeah, I'm here, Bell."

The latch door shut again and Brigid let out a deep breath. She took a step over to the ladder before stopping and running her fingers in her hair. She wanted to go up there, she wanted to be with Bellamy. But she also wanted to keep her own word to herself. "I'll go up there with you. Keep Shanks company," Rory stood beside Brigid with crossed arms.

The redhead nodded then they started to walk over to the ladder. Harper sat back down, going to catch up on some sleep. They climbed to the top, and Rory banged on the door. "Hey, meatheads! Open up," She screamed.

The latch door opened and Shanks gave her a pointed look as he stood there, still blocking the way. "What do you want?" He arched an eyebrow.

Rory rolled her eyes, "To climb up the ladder all the way back onto the Ark. What the hell kind of question is that? Now get out of my way, Alec."

Shanks moved back so the girls could climb up, and Rory flashed him a grin once she was standing on the floor. He shook his head, "I should have never told you my first name."

Rory snuck a quick peck to Shanks' lips before fluffing his curly hair, "I like your first name."

"We're gonna try this one more time," Bellamy's strong voice echoed through the room in the corner, making Brigid's eyes snap towards him. He was standing before the grounder, "What's your name?" No answer. "Where's your camp?" No answer. "How many of you are there?" Again, no answer. Bellamy's voice strained, "Just answer the damn question!"

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