"Brigid," There was no response from within the tent so the flap was pulled open. Someone carefully climbed into the redhead's tent and shook her leg, that was barely sticking out from beneath the blanket. But she was still fast asleep. They maneuvered their way around her sleeping body, nestling up next to her ear to shout in a whisper, "Brigid!"
Brigid jumped up, pulling the blankets up around her and a horrified expression plastered along her features. "Monty?"
Monty leaned back, sitting on the heels of his feet and folding his hands in his lap. "Jasper gets released in five minutes. I thought you would want to be there." Brigid pulled her mess of hair back, tying it in a ponytail and rummaging through her belongings in the corner. Her tent has somehow become a giant black hole in the past week and a half, throwing all of her things carelessly on the ground. Monty picked up her jacket before handing it to her, and she let out a relieved sigh. "God, what would I do without you?"
They quickly left the tent and headed towards the Dropship, climbing up the ladder to the second level. Jasper was sitting up in his cot, a handful of crumpled up pieces of paper beside him as he was tossing them into the trashcan, and missing it completely. "You guys totally just screwed up my game streak."
Brigid took notice to all the crumpled balls around the trashcan and laughed, pointing down at them, "Oh yeah. I could tell by all the balls you managed to get into the trashbin."
She sat down beside him on the bed and he nudged her shoulder playfully, "Shut up." He looked around the room over to Monty, "What are you guys doing here?"
Monty sat down on the chair beside the bed and propped his legs up on another seat. Brigid leaned forward, folding her legs pretzel style. "Did you really think we'd miss your dismissal day? We haven't been guarding your injured ass for nothing. I'm gonna take you out."
He grinned widely, immediately raising his voice for Clarke to hear from where she was on the upper level, "Could I get a doctor in here?"
Clarke descended from the third level with raised eyebrows, and a smug smile on her face as she noticed Brigid's presence, "Yes?"
"Can I leave?" Jasper questioned, pressing his hands together and begging with a puckered bottom lip. Clarke looked over at Brigid before releasing a sigh, "Yes. Yes, you're good to go."
Brigid jumped up excitedly, taking Jasper's hands in her own and pulling him up on his feet. And after a few seconds, they were walking out the Dropship doors. Jasper couldn't stop smiling as he walked around the camp. It only faded away once they reached the gates. He stopped dead in his tracks and his eyes were as wide as saucers. "Jas, come on. It's been a week. You're fine." She held out her hand for him but he still didn't take it. "You can't stay scared for the rest of your life."
She ventured further out of the camp's walls, showing him that it's perfectly safe out there. "See? Perfectly fin-" A loud scream escaped her lips as she was pulled behind a bush.
Jasper called out into the silence, inching further out of the camp. But still being hesitant. "Brigid! Where are you?"
As he neared the bush, Miller jumped out from behind it with his hood up and hand covering Brigid's mouth. Once she realized who it was, she shoved his arm angrily and sent him a glare. "Nate! That wasn't funny."

BADLANDS [1] bellamy blake
Fanfiction"Someone mixed up your spices, didn't they, Ginger?" "Not another word, Bellhop." [ the 100 season one ] [ bellamy blake ] BOOK ONE OF THE BRIGID CALLAGHAN SERIES