14; don't hurt her

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Bellamy was guiding Brigid through the woods, his hands placed firmly on both of her shoulders. She couldn't stop shaking, the images of Jace dying in her arms circling endlessly through her mind. She hated that feeling, but you'd think she would get used to it by how much death she'd encountered.

"We found Roma," Finn swallowed hard as he noticed them making their way towards them. He realized the missing boy and Brigid's tear stained cheeks and he shook his head. He looked around the trees, "They're playing with us. They can kill us whenever they want."

Brigid pulled herself out of Bellamy's arms, wiping the tears from under her eyes but her hands were still covered in dried blood. Jace's blood. She clenched her jaw, closing her shaking hands into fists and looking around the forest again. "Well then they should get it over with!" Her voice heightened at the end, pitching loud into the sky. Finn rushed towards her, grabbing her arm and yanking her forward. But she kept yelling, "Come on!"

Bellamy rushed away from Roma's body after shutting her eyes and pointed towards Finn and the guilt-stricken girl. "Shut her up," He directed his order Finn as Monroe scarcely scoped out the forest, only to find grounders running towards them in all directions.

Brigid ignored Finn's pleas for her to stay quiet as she kept yelling, "We know you're out there. You want to kill us, what four of our people weren't enough already!" Finn had her jacket in his hands and was pulling her back, until Bellamy was beside her. He shoved his hand over her mouth and narrowed his dark eyes on her, "Now is not the time, princess."

Brigid's blue eyes were wide and tears were still pooling inside them. Bellamy hated seeing her like this, wearing herself down from something that was completely out of her control. But he had other things to worry about as well. He needed to find his sister.

Monroe shouted Bellamy's name which caught his attention, bringing his worried eyes away from Brigid and towards the grounders that were backing them into their trap. There were at least six of them running towards them, making them all draw their own weapons. Brigid held her knife loosely in her hand and pressed her back into Bellamy's side. But then a loud horn echoed through the trees, causing all the grounders to retreat.

Bellamy's eyes darted around them, watching as all of the grounders started to run away. He pulled his eyebrows together, "They're leaving."

"That horn. What does it mean?" Monroe asked.

It roared through the woods one more time before Finn finally answered. Opening the zipper of his bag as quickly as he could, "Acid fog." He pulled out a parachute from his bag and looked around at the three others, "There's no time to run. Take cover."


"How long are we supposed to wait?"

"Will this even work?"

"It will."

Bellamy rolled his eyes, "No, it won't." He pushed the parachute up, peaking his head outside of the cover and Brigid rolled closer to Finn. "There's no fog."

Brigid and Finn stuck their heads out at the same time, glancing around at the empty and almost peaceful forest. Monroe climbed out last as Bellamy was standing up, lending down a hand for Brigid. She took his hand and he hoisted her up onto both of her feet before steadying herself. Finn stood up in pursuit, "Maybe it was a false alarm."

Bellamy shrugged, taking a step forward but his eyes caught movement in the woods. He narrowed his eyes to see a grounder trying to run by them unnoticed. He reached down for his axe, "They're coming back."

"Wait, no," Brigid reached down stopping Bellamy's hand that was resting on the hilt of the axe. His eyes darted down to her hand before catching her eyes, "I think he's alone."

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