"You know this isn't my ideal way to spend my day either," Brigid jumped over a log to keep up with Bellamy. He was walking too quickly, trying to keep quite a distance between them. This was the last place either of them wanted to be. But Bellamy didn't even acknowledge what she said. "How much further?" Again, silence. Brigid rolled her eyes, and stopped walking altogether. She pulled her backpack off of her shoulder and tossed it onto the ground, "If you're just gonna ignore me the entire time, I might as well just stay here and wait for you to get back."
He halted in place, taking a glance over his shoulder to find the redhead sitting on top of the log, leaning back and soaking up the sun. Her leather jacket was draped over the side of the tree and her bare shoulders from her tank top were radiating from the heat. He rolled his eyes, storming over to her and leaning over her. She peaked open one eye and looked up at him, "Do you mind? You're blocking the sun."
He grabbed her arm, yanking her off of the log and she let out a yelp, "Hey! Hey, let go of me. Bellamy," She shouted, pulling his hand from her upper arm and sending him a glare. His dark eyes hardened, "Now is not the time to play games."
She folded her arms across her chest, "You know, I wish we could go back to the days where you changed and stopped being a total dick all the time."
He stepped closer, "And I wish we could go back to the days where I didn't have to watch over your every move because you're so reckless."
Brigid stepped around him, tying her jacket around her waist and pulling her bag along. She started to walk back in the direction of the depot, "I told you to stop worrying about me. You shouldn't have to care about how reckless I'm being. I don't want you to care." She came to a sudden stop when she saw it. There was a small lake in the middle, below a hill with broken down buildings and fallen trees. "Whoa."
Bellamy stood beside her, his hands placed firmly on his hips as he stared out in front of him, "The depot must be around here somewhere."
She nodded her head, "We should split up to cover more ground. Just stay in shouting distance." She started to walk away but Bellamy's voice stopped her, "Hey, wait. For what it's worth, even through the games and recklessness, I would still care about you."
Brigid was looking around, by the lake when she saw a reflection from the sun. She tilted her head to the side, narrowing her eyes to find a metal door. She walked over to it slowly, brushing leaves out of the way. There was a large door in the ground, "Bellamy! Over here, I think I found it."
Bellamy peered down the hill before walking down and joining her. Brigid yanked on the door but it wouldn't even budge, "I think it's rusted shut."
Bellamy nodded, holding the axe in his hand and shaking it lightly. "Watch your foot." He started banging the hilt against the shaft and it cracked loudly, "Kay. Give me a hand." They both pulled it open, revealing a dark staircase leading into the depot.
Brigid started to walk down the stairs, waving the spiderwebs out of the way. She was sorting through the bag that Clarke had given her, pulling out two flashlights and handing one over to Bellamy. She turned hers on, walking past a sign that read Emergency Aid Depot #23. Once they were finally on leveled ground, Bellamy shone the light around the dark and empty room. "Really think this place hasn't been touched since the war?"
Brigid glanced over her shoulder, "Kane seemed to believe so. Come on," She lead them into a room where there was another staircase located in the corner. They descended down the steps, weaving their way through the dust and cobwebs. Brigid's eyes widened once she saw a skeleton on a few steps below her. She knelt down beside it and shone the light on its face, "He came down here to survive."

BADLANDS [1] bellamy blake
Fanfiction"Someone mixed up your spices, didn't they, Ginger?" "Not another word, Bellhop." [ the 100 season one ] [ bellamy blake ] BOOK ONE OF THE BRIGID CALLAGHAN SERIES