13; causualities lost at war

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Brigid woke up to someone's name being shouted over and over again throughout the camp. She rolled over, smacking her hand against the body beside her. The person groaned out, pulling the blanket up over their head. The tent flap was pulled up, shining their lantern into the tent and Brigid picked up her pillow and launched it towards the intruder. "Sorry, princess. But have you seen Octavia?"

Brigid finally sat up once she heard Bellamy's voice, pulling the blankets off of Rory and Harper. They both let out loud, annoyed huffs before sitting up. Rory pointed an angry finger in Bellamy's direction, "This better mean we have off laundry duty for a week."

Bellamy ignored the blonde, as Bri crawled out of the tent and stood up in front of him. Rory and Harper quickly joined them outside, and they wrapped their arms around themselves to keep warm. It was finally starting to get colder outside. "I haven't seen her since yesterday, when the pod came down and we were standing with her."

Harper shook her head, "I didn't see her on camp at all yesterday either. But didn't she go out to find the pod with you?" She asked Bellamy.

He shook his head, frantically looking around camp again. "Not exactly, she followed me out there and we sort of got into a fight."

"Oh, so it isn't just me that you start fights with?" Bellamy gave her a concerned look, so Brigid touched his shoulder, "I'm sure she's fine, Bell. But I'll help you look for her. We'll check all the tents again, Harper and Rory - can you look in the Dropship?"

They both nodded before disappearing in the direction of the ship. Bellamy and Brigid walked around at all the tents, looking inside every one of them but she was nowhere. When the two other girls returned with no luck, Bellamy rubbed his forehead. Brigid could sense how stressed out he was. He felt like Octavia was his responsibility. Like her disappearance was his fault because he wasn't watching her close enough.

Rory left to go find Shanks, when Brigid pulled him off to the side with her. "Bell, you're stressing yourself out. You need some rest."

He shook his head, "No. What I need is to find my sister. I'm gonna gather up a search party. You should stay here."

"No way," She grabbed his arm and stopping him, "If you think something happened to Octavia, I'm going. We'll find her."

Rory returned shortly after with Shanks, Jace, Miller, Mbege, Jones, Monroe, Roma, and two others guys that she didn't recognize. She saw Jasper walking towards them and she shook her head, running over to him. "Uh uh, not happening."

Brigid was pushing him back but he grabbed her arms, "Brigid. I'm coming. Octavia was there for me when I was in trouble, so I need to repay her."

She shook her head, he was still wounded. It has barely been three days since he was released. His eyes was still bruised, he looked like a sad puppy. "She would appreciate that. She really would. But I also know that she wouldn't want you putting your life out on the line for her again. You just got better."

He let his head hang down, letting her win this time. "Just be careful then?" Brigid nodded her head repeatedly before pulling him into a tight hug. When she pulled away, she kissed his cheek before watching him walk away and back into the dropship.

She turned around to find everyone packed and ready. Finn was also standing with the group, figures they needed a tracker. Brigid walked over to Miller and the rest of their group, she gave a wide smile to each of them. Jace handed her a torch and she stood beside him, "Figure out what you two talked about the other night?"

They started their trek out of camp and she shook her head, "Not exactly." As there were about to walk out the gates, someone pointed up at the sky. It looked like there were hundreds of comets falling from the sky. But Brigid knew better than that. She swallowed hard, grabbing Jace's arm tightly, "They didn't see the flares."

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