Chapter 3

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Taylor wanted to make sure that Jennifer was okay, so she had told Harry to keep her up to date on the case. "Jennifer calm down, it's going to be okay , we're going to find your sister, I promise." Taylor declared. "How do you know?" I asked. "I just know that we're going to find her." Taylor replied. around that time, Taylor's cell started ringing. "Hello." She said "It's Harry, are you still at the hotel with Jennifer?" He asked. "Yes, I'm still here, why?" Taylor continued. 'Well, I have some devastating news." Harry announced. 'What is it?" Taylor replied. "It's Jennifer's mother, She's dead." Harry stated. "Wh.... What happened?" Taylor demanded "She was strangled." Harry said. "Should I tell her?" Taylor finished. "No, we don't need her any more upset than she already is." Harry announced. "Okay, I won't tell her." Taylor said as she hit the end button on her phone. "What's going on?" I asked. "Um, nothing." Taylor lied. "Taylor, I know that there is something that you're not telling me?" I stated. "Jennifer, I can't tell you right now." Taylor declared. "Why?" I asked. "Because I can't, I hope that you understand." Taylor replied. "When can you tell me?' I finished. "When the time is right." Taylor announced. "Okay." I acknowledged. Taylor and Jennifer both sat down on the couch. "Jennifer everthing is going to be okay, you just need to be patient." Taylor replied. "Dose it have something to do with my mother?" I asked. Jennifer could see the hurt in Taylor's eyes. Jennifer knew that something was wrong. "Is my mom dead?" I announced. "Jennifer it's true, your mom is dead." Taylor declared. "What." I cried. I sat down on the couch and began to cry. "Jennifer I'm so sorry. I know that I have no idea what you're going through." Taylor said. "What about my sister, have you found her?" I demanded. "No,we haven't but, you'll be the first to know." Taylor announced. "Ok,I'm just really worried about her, I've already lost so much, I don't think that I can take another death." I stated. "I know Jennifer it's been really hard on you." Taylor replied. Back at the crime scene, Dr.Jones was getting to put the body in the back of the van. She had told Harry that she would be back at the lab if he needed anything. She jumped into the driver's seat and drove off. When she arrived at the lab, She got the body out and took it to the morgue. As soon as she got the body into the morgue, She unzipped the body bag and lifted her up onto the table for an autopsy. Dr.Jones began putting on Latex gloves and her aipen. After that she got a sponge and turned on the water. She began to wipe off Mrs.Willow's face.When she was done with that, she got the scapol and began to slice her skin. After she cut her skin, she opened up her stomach and began to empty out hr stomach contents. She had put a little bit of the stomach contents in a jar and had sent it to the lab. Natalie was still had the crime scene collecting evidence. "Have we found Dave yet?" Natalie asked. "Yea, Detective Wilson tracked his phone and out that he's in Cuba.' Harry announced. "what's he doing down there?" Natalie continued. "I don't know." Harry replied. "Maybe he killed her." He added. "I think he did." Natalie replied. "Is detective Wilson going to go down to Cuba and get him?" Natalie asked. "Yeah, I'll call him." Harry announced. Harry took out his phone and began to dial Detective Wilson 's number. "Hello?' Detective Wilson answered. "It's Harry, I need yu to go down to Cuba and bring Dave here.' Harry said into the phone. "Okay, I can do that." He replied. "see you when you get back." Harry said as he hung up the phone. 

 Lies Lies, and More Lies(Trilogy to Murder's don't go to Jail)Where stories live. Discover now