You're Kidding Right

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I'm not even going to bother apologizing. So enjoy. Vote && Comment please.

Emma, Ami, and I were seated in the back of the warehouse away from everyone else. I wasn't going to chance having anyone find out what I was. It could only be them. I glanced back to where Alec and Jonathan sat. They were staring at me with unreadable expressions on their faces. I bit my lip to keep myself from Vamping out.

It can't be normal that I'm angry at every little thing lately. Then again, it's probably a Vampire thing for those who haven't woken yet... Hopefully.

I glanced at the both of them and noticed that they had calmed down considerably since I'd gotten here. I didn't need them so excited that they accidently freaked and started raving about how they didn't want me to suck their blood. Now that I think about it... Blood didn't sound all that appetizing whatsoever...

Emma held a look of contemplation on her face. Like she had no idea what was going on. Behind that a look of suspicion that was meant to be hidden. Ami just looked downright curious.

So how was I going to go about this? Should I just come out and say it? Should I play down the truth? No, I just needed to tell them.

"What's this about?" Ami asked me finally. She drug me out of whatever la-la land I had gone to.

"Well, you see... I know that you guys are suspicious," I trailed off. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. No, I had to tell them. "Suspicious of us. I don't like keeping stuff from you, even though I've only known you for a week."

Emma's eyes narrowed, "What are you on about?"

"I'm going to tell you two something. Something that is going to sound farfetched. You'll probably want to call a Looney bin for me. Just know that I'm being honest." I took a deep breath, "The fact that I'm hanging around you puts you in danger. Goodness, I don't even know how to just say it."

"Does Desi know?" My face must have shown confusion because Ami went further into detail, "Does Desi know what is going on?" I nodded. "Well you must have just come out with it then, so do it now."

"I didn't tell Desi. Jonathan did because that's his mate."

"His what?" Ami questioned.

"It's a term that our kind uses."

"What is your kind?" Emma asked.

"Umm," I looked away, "Vampires. We are Vampires." Emma and Ami burst into laughter. I glared harshly at them.

"You're kidding right?!" Emma shouted. CC and Andy both looked over at us. I gulped.

"Keep your fucking voice down." I hissed. "Just hear me out."

"She's mental, this one!" Ami told Emma.

"Where do we find these people?" Emma replied. I was quickly growing frustrated.

"Think about it you two! The speed, the strength, and the way we look! It's right in front of your faces!" Emma stared at me for a few seconds.

"Prove it." It didn't take long for my fangs to extend and the veins to grow and eyes to blacken.

"Holy Shit!" Ami whispered.

This was good. They could be reacting a lot worse than what I thought they would. I honestly expected them to pull out some holy water or a cross, spouting off about how I was a demon and belonged in Hell. It's how I would have reacted. That's a lie. I didn't react that way when Dad told me what I was. That was only slightly different considering I'd just experienced being chased, the speed, plus the fact that I'd had Alec and Jonathan around and new they wouldn't hurt me.

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