Out With A Band

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So thanks Emma for writing such an amazing chapter! It's super great and I hope everyone that reads this agrees with me on this! So everybody give a round of applause for bvb_ninja! Enjoy! Comment and review to... or somebody just might... dissapear!

Thanks again Emma!

Emma’s pov (written by bvb_ninja)

As I left Hot Topic had spent about $200 on a new pair of black ripped skinnies, 2 band tees and some necklaces. Ami, Isobel, Jinxx and me came out of the shop. CC came running up to me with Andy trailing behind carrying shopping bags.

 “EMMA!” CC called jumping onto my back making me stumbling forwards causing everyone to laugh including me.

 “Get your fat ass off me before I get the Flying Baboons on you” I laughed, for those confused Flying Baboons do exist, the voices in my head said so.

 “You wouldn’t” CC gasped getting off my back.

 “Andy has purple rockstar!” Ami called out

 “Attack!” me and Ami both ran at him; he turned to run but tripped.

 “No! Its mine” CC whined. Picking up the bag holding it over his head.

 “Fuck you” I said knowing I can’t reach.

“Hmmm maybe later” He winked. Ami grabbed the bag

“Emma, Isobel I’ve got them” Ami chucked a can to each of us.

 “Thanks” Isobel said smiling “I thought you said you went to see what Alec is looking at?”

 “We did then CC insisted on buying rockstar, so we got rockstar” Andy said.

 “Whilst you girls fight I’m going to get some lunch, who’s with me?” Ashley asked.

“What you want, I’ll pay” CC asked

 “FOOD!” I looked up smiling

“No shit? What kind”

 “Sushi, the food of which all ninjas eat and more rockstar”

Everyone was busy sitting down talking getting along but something didn’t feel quite right I’ve had the feeling that we were being watched; I looked around but didn’t see anything suspicious I just shrugged. I ate a piece of sushi “Holy fuck!” I shouted getting angry looking from parents “What did you guys do?”

 “Jonathan put extra wasabi on a piece of sushi” Jake shrugged trying not to smile, I looked over at him

 “Hey, Mikal dared me to, and CC encouraged me” He said defensively

 “My rockstar better be fine, mess with any rockstar and you’ll be sorry” I said very seriously, Jonathan looked a bit freaked so I smiled and began to eat the rest of my sushi, all of which didn’t have extra wasabi on them to my surprise. “How did you and CC meet?” Isobel asked

 “Well I was hired by these randoms here to help set up for a concert” I said pointing to all of the guys in BVB who pulled the finger at me for calling them retards. Not my fault the truth hurts, “We had finished unloading when CC realised he only had one set of drumsticks and needed some more, so whilst sound check was on I went out and brought a lot. Came back to finish off sound check and do other jobs a roadie is mean to. When sound check finished I found him gave them to him and we started to talk and yeah, found out we have lots in common and he took me to a ‘Avenged Sevenfold’ concert and asked me out there” CC lent in and we kissed and broke after a few gagging noises had been made.

 “It’s amazing the power of drum sticks” Ashley said so I just flipped him off.  Looking up I could swear someone stared right at Isobel pointing to her “Emma, you okay?” CC looked concerned

 “Yeah, just have a bit of a headache, don’t worry” I looked back smiling.

 “Do want to go?”

 “I’m fine, don’t worry” I said, he didn’t need to know I could possibly be crazier than he already thinks, not that it’s possible. “I’m bored who wants to head to ours?” Andy asked, Ami quickly said me, of course. Everyone said yes to the offer, everyone headed over in the cars that they came in. Getting up I looked over to see if i could see the people who were looking at Isobel. No sign. Guess I was being a little bit paranoid.

Me and CC opened the door to see everyone watching a TV eating popcorn without me “What movie we watching?” CC asked

 “BATMAN!” Andy said excitedly.

“Sweet” i said taking some popcorn then sitting on CC

 “And you say i have a fat ass” he complains

 “Yeah well its all muscle”

“Shut up! Batman is on” Ami yelled back to us

“And one does not talk whilst Batman is on” Andy added so we both decided to shut up. I noticed Andy mouthing most words during the movie. Whilst Andy changed the movie to another ‘Batman’ one Jake ordered some pizzas for everyone since everyone was complaining that they were hungry.

By the time we had put on the 4th movie everyone was falling asleep; I waited a little into the 4th movie and woke Ami and Isobel up. “Why did you wake me” Ami complained, I pointed at the guys, she understood straight away what i meant “Hey Isobel do you feel like doing some art?” I said with a smirk, she looked around and smiled “Sure” Ami came back into the room with some sharpies and other ranges of pens she owns. We each took a pen and started to draw on them I saw that she had drawn a Batman mask on Andy and on Jinxx Isobel made him look like a clown. Once we had finished drawing I looked around to see our art work and had to try not to laugh at it, they all looked so ridiculous, we high fived each other. “You do know that they’ll kill us right?” Isobel asked

“Don’t worry we’ll just blame I on Emma, I always do and they always believe me” Ami said

 “Thanks, but yeah this is the kind of thing I’d come up with” fuck I was in deep shit when everyone woke up. Oh well no fun in being evil unless you can accept that there might consequences. We all went back to our spots and fell asleep. I couldn’t wait to hear and see the guy’s reaction.

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