She Controlled Your Spirit

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So I decided to update this much quicker than I had originally planned. I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Please give me some feedback though! I love feedback. AND VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! Enjoy and please, share this with your friends! It needs love.

'Oh God! Why am I doing this again?' I questioned myself as I slipped out of my house and quickly ran to my car. After the strange dream I had last night, I'd decided I needed to speak with someone. That was not normal. I was no Seer, but could that have been a premonition?

I was so confused. Not to mention, I had shot out fire through my hands and when I'd woken up... my hands had been a bright red. That's not normal! My skin is pale, I don't even tan! Kind of makes sense though considering I'm a Vampire.

The sun was just barely peeking out from the horizon. The heat of it warmed my cold skin, and my hands felt like they were on fire. They were still red from this morning. I remember Paige mentioning that some vampires could receive powers once they had reached their age limit. My birthday wasn't for another week though. That doesn't necessarily mean anything. I haven't actually shot fire out of my hands. That was just my dream.

On a whim, I decided to not go and see Bryan. That's who it was originally going to be. Now, I decided it would be best if I went and saw my Uncle. He would have answers. If I couldn't get them from him, I would call Mikal. I don't think my brothers or Paige would be able to help me with this. Call it a gut feeling.

It wasn’t long until I was pulling into the hotel that my Uncle and cousin were staying at. I knew for a fact that Paige was out right now with Bryan, so I could talk to Damien without much fuss on her part. Not that I’m saying she likes to cause problems… She just doesn’t want me talking to Damien. I found myself often just referring to him as Uncle or Damien. It just feels weird saying Uncle Damien you know?

I quickly made my way up the stairs; I would never take an elevator. I’m absolutely terrified of the bloody contraptions. I was lucky that they were on the 4th floor and not the 10th. Just because I’m a vampire doesn’t mean that I have the physique of an Olympian. Let’s face it, I was lazy as fuck. That ain’t a lie either. Only time that I really ever run is if I’m being chased, or you are waving dark chocolate and Green Tea in my face.

I whooped as I reached the top of the stairs and threw the door open. Running down the hallway, I almost missed the number and when I saw it I stopped and began knocking. “Penny… Penny… Penny.” It all started with a Big Bang. That is my fucking show.

The door opened to reveal Damien standing there looking ever so prim and proper. “Isobel! What a pleasant surprise. What brings you to my temporary home?” He opened the door wide and I slipped through.

“I came because I have questions. I fully expect you to answer them and not bullshit me.” My Uncle was a slippery one. He danced around topics and would only fully answer if it benefited him.

“Well… I guess I’ll have to see what I can do. Explain.”

Might as well get to the point, “I had a dream last night.”

“Oh wonderful, you had a dream.” He spoke sarcastically. I bristled in anger and glared at him.

“You gonna let me fucking finish?” He rolled his eyes and motioned with his hand to go on, “As I was saying. I had a dream, scratch that, I don’t know what it was but it wasn’t fucking normal. I… I don’t know where I was. I was running and there were flames and corpses everywhere. I was trying to find Paige and Jonathan. Alec was running with me, but…” My lower lip trembled, “He didn’t make it. When I found Paige, she was tied up and then this man appears behind me. He called me Granddaughter and I shot fire at him, roots started growing from the ground and they wrapped around me. Then… then I was burning.”

Throughout my speech, or explanation rather, his face had darkened. His fangs were showing and he looked every bit of a Vampire. “That man was my father. He has powers. Not all of us do, just the powerful ones do. Only a select few have more than one. He can control the elements. Earth, Water, Fyre, and Air. This also includes Spirit. It drains him though.” His eyes glanced down to my hand, his hand shout out like a snake and grasped my arm. “It would seem that you have inherited the ability of fire.” His voice had taken a mournful tone to it. “Fyre is dangerous,” I rolled my eyes. He sounds like my father, “It is the most unstable of ones elements. It is destruction, and if you cannot control it, it will be your downfall.”

“Well… that sounds pleasant. I love being told I can control fire and-“

“No, no. Not fire, Fyre. It is far different than the fire you are used to. It’s a form of blood magick.”

“So what, I’m a witch now?” Damien sighed and rubbed his eyes.

“Witches created us. We descend from a witch named Contessa. Contessa was, sort of like a Voodoo priestess. Her element surrounded Fiend Fyre and it was essentially the thing we are made of.”

“Then wouldn’t we all have the Fyre?” I asked confused.

“No. Like I said, Fyre and really most of the elements are for only the most powerful of our kind. Those of us with powers…” He trailed off, “Not all of us have them.”

I stared at the man before me. He looked dejected while speaking about this. Why was he like that? It occurred to me rather quickly. Almost like someone was reaching forward and slapping the information into my brain.

“What is your power?” Damien chuckled without humor.

“Veronica was always our Fathers favorite. The perfect mold of him, you can imagine how angry he was when he realized that she didn’t share his views. Your mother could control Spirit and Fyre. I got the sour end of the deal. I can’t do anything.” His voice was bitter and his eyes were alight with anger. He was truly a force to be reckoned with.

“At least you make up for it in the scariness factor…” I mumbled under my breath.

Damien went over to his suitcase, no trunk. It was old looking and had this intricate design on it, like wooden ivy was sprawled out on the chest. I watched in wonder as he touched and the Ivy parted underneath his hands and a latch appeared in its place. That was wicked cool.

He lifted the chest open and began rummaging around inside of it. He ‘a-ha’d’ and grabbed something from the very bottom of it. When he lifted his hand out, a beautiful necklace was held in his hand. The stone of the pendant was one side red, a ruby, and the other side was colorful and had rainbows almost, an Opal. That wasn’t right though. The stones looked like they moved. The red of the ruby looked like fire was burning inside of it and the other one had a grey smoky mist moving throughout it.

 “This is no ordinary necklace. It’s a Magick one. Contessa herself once wore it. She took the very Fyre that moved in her veins and created this stone. Her sister, Michellene, controlled Spirit and she took the very last ounce of it from her body and put it in this. It will protect you from whatever spells my father’s witch will throw at you. It’s obvious that she was a descendent from Michellene. That how she got into your mind and planted that dream. She controlled your spirit. It’s very important that you wear this at all time. Do you understand?” I nodded and he handed me the necklace. “Go back to your brothers.” He said abruptly. “I have some calls to make.”

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