Sorry, He's Gay

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Yeah It's here.  Hope you like it.  Yeah my computer is no longer being stupid so I have the picture and the song up.  So this is dedicated to @vampireluva.  Thanks a bunch for reading my story and voting, commenting, etc... :) haha

It’s been a week since I’ve started going to school, I’m already tired of it.  By the way in case you are wondering, yes Cam got in the band.  That guy is amazing at guitar.  So here I sat at home on the weekend in my bed with nothing to do.  I was waiting for a text from Cam saying he could go with me to the mall.  We were going shopping for our concert clothes.

I glanced at my bedside table to see it buzzing with ‘1 new message’ displayed on it.  I smiled.  Reading through it I scram in excitement.

“Whoa sis, what’s with the Rebel Yell?”  Jonathan poked his head in the door.

“Oh nothing, I’m just excited that I get to go to the mall with my bestie.”  Yes Cam and I have proclaimed ourselves as besties!

“That’s sounds so exciting.”  His voice was dripping with sarcasm so I flipped him off.

“Shut up and go back to masturbating to Dahvie Vanity’s picture!” 

“Shut the crack in your face!  Marie said you have to take Lillabeth with you.”

“Ugh! That witch is trying to ruin my life.”

“What’s wrong with taking Beth?”

“Nothing, it’s just Cameron and I were going to go to Spencer’s.  I need something from in there!”

“A vibrator, you really could use one.”

“What the hell! No!  I just don’t want to take Lillabeth in there and have her report back to the Queen of Bitchness that I took her there! She’d serve my head on a platter.”

“Oh.”  I stared at my brother.

“Why would you even suggest that?”  I couldn’t believe my brother sometimes.  We didn’t treat each other like a brother and sister would with the crap we talked about.

“I don’t know!  It was the first thing that popped into my head?”

“Is that a question or a statement?”

“Umm; a statement for sure.”  I rolled my eyes at my brother’s antics.  I loved him to death and here he is asking if I’m going to Spencer’s to by a… yeah.

“I’m just gonna text Cameron and tell him about the switcheroo.”  Jonathan nodded.  He got up and left the room.  Smiling at me as he left.

I sighed.  Cameron texted back saying that it was ok.  I grinned my day wasn’t ruined after all!  Hooray for me.

I jumped and went to my bathroom and started working on my hair.  I made it so my bangs were basically sitting on one side of my face and the back of my head was teased up.  I finished the look with smoky eye shadow and tons of eyeliner.  I quickly put a plaid, black and white, bow with a skull in the middle in my hair and smiled at my reflection.

I ran to my closet and threw on an Avenged Sevenfold top with black ripped skinnys.  I grabbed my bullet belt and put so it looked like it was hanging off of me.  I raided the side of my closet with the hoodies and found the one that matched my bow and slipped it on.  Go Monster High.  I finished it off with my vans.

The doorbell rang right when I put my BVB bracelet on.  I grabbed my purse and bounded down the stairs towards the door.  I saw Lillabeth had already opened it and she was blushing at Cam who stood beside her.  Lillabeth wore her favorite black dress with her black converse.  Yeah she was turning into me.

“You are Cameron right?” Beth asked in a tiny voice.  I smirked.  Somebody had a crush on Cameron.  He smiled down at her.

“Yes I am.  You, little lady, must be Lillabeth.”  He stated.  Beth let out a tiny squeal.  I cracked up and so did my dad, who was standing behind me.  “It’s nice to meet you sir.”  I giggled again.

Cameron wore a vest with chains rapping around it and the skinny jeans that he always wore with a ton of bracelets.  His tattoos were proudly displayed on his arms.  I grinned at that.  It really was a shame he was gay.  I can imagine the disappointment in some girls out there.  I quickly took notice of the doc martens he wore and my eyes widened.  They were awesome.

“Are you ready to go?”  Cam asked with a smirk.  I glared at him and nodded. “We can take my car.” 

It took us about an hour to get to the mall.  In that short period of time Beth played 20 questions with Cam but it turned into more like 100 question with him.

“Alright Beth.  Leave Cam alone.  You can ask him more questions later.”  She pouted but nodded otherwise.  I glanced at Cam.  He mouthed ‘Thank You!’  I smirked and winked at him.  “Let’s go to Hot Topic first.”

“That’s a good idea.  I can kill two birds with one stone while in there.”  Cam didn’t take his eyes off the road.  I could tell he was nervous.  There was this guy that worked there that Cam had a crush on.  He was going to ask him out after I found out if he was gay or not.  I switched the radio on and grinned at the song.  It brought tears to my eyes though.  ‘So Far Away’ by Avenged sevenfold blasted through.  This song reminded me of my mom. 

When the song finished we were there.  I grinned as we practically ran there.  As soon as we got there Cam began fidgeting.  I chuckled and glanced around quickly spotting what I wanted.  It was a Harley Quinn top.  By the time we were done shopping Cam told me sadly that the guy wasn’t working.  He brightened as he looked at his new clothes though.  All in all we spent well over $200 dollars in there. 

We headed over to the food court and got Chinese food and then we found a table.

“You have no idea how disappointed I am right now.”  Cam stabbed his orange chicken.  I sighed.

“What did the poor chicken ever do to you babe?”  He grinned at me.

“It was born into existence.” 

“It’s good though.”

“That’s beside the point.  I was looking forward to asking Calen out.”  I sighed.  Young Love.

“There is always next time best friend.”

“I’m not gonna let this bring me down.  I’m so going to jump Jake Pitts and Robert Ortiz when I see them.”  I chuckled.

“That’s fine, just stay away from Ashley and Craig and no one gets hurt.”  I busted out laughing at Cameron’s expression.  I loved this guy to death.  Lillabeth was watching us which made me nervous.

“Are you to like dating or something?”  That sent me and Cam into full on stomach aching and tear running laughter.  “What?  Did I say something wrong?”  I was on the ground from laughing so hard.  A couple across the court yard glared at us.  I flipped them off.

“Bethie, Cameron is gay.”  I said still laughing.  Understanding entered her eyes.  She grinned at Cam.

“Does that mean he’ll take me to Claire’s?”

“Yes Beth.  I will take you to Claire’s.”  Beth grinned and hugged Cam.

My little sister loved him.  This was good.  The concert was a few days away.  I just couldn’t wait.

So tell me what you think please!!!!!!!!!!

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