So Wait... You're My Cousin?

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And I'M BACK, for now at least.

After all the damage had been done. By that, I mean the emotional scaring of seeing CC doing the 'Wiggle', as my friend Jack had put it so many times before; I was ready to just go home and relax. Possibly hunt Mikal down and beat the shit out of him for kissing me, then fucking leaving. Yeah, I was not going to let that go. So for now I was catching a ride home with Ami and Emma. Jonathan was in the back seat beside me half asleep. I cranked the radio up blasting Radiant Eclipse by Avenged Sevenfold. I don't think Avenged Sevenfold held the power to wake him up when he was like this. Emma and Ami were both being quiet. This was fucking weird.

I turned to stare out the window seeing as we weren't really doing anything. The scenery passing by wasn't particularly interesting either. I started making funny noises in my boredom. I'd been sitting here long enough to have Avenged go off and My Darkest Days to make an appearance. Porn Star Dancing to be exact.

"I fucking love this song!" Jonathan decided to scream out causing Emma to swerve the car.

"Fucking hell Jonathan. Shut your mouth and don't randomly scream!" Ami said from where she sat.

"Sorry Ami. I just loves me some Matt Walst." He winks at her through the mirror. Ami rolls her eyes.

It grew quiet once more. We soon pulled onto my street and I noticed that all the cars at my house were gone. I sighed in relief then tensed. Something wasn't right. I don't know how I knew, I just did. Jonathan seemed to sense whatever I had so his eyes went from normal to pure black with veins spreading underneath. I vaguely heard a squeak from the front seat. I felt this odd sensation and my sight grew greater. Looking at my reflection in the mirror I realized my eyes were identical to Jonathan's.

They pulled up to the house with Ami acting jumpy. I quickly slipped out of the car. Calming myself to speak with Emma and Ami.

"Hey guys. Thanks so much for bringing us home." I heard the front door slam shut and noticed Jonathan was gone and yelling emerged from deep inside the house. Emma and Ami didn't seem to notice.

"No... No problem." Emma said watching Ami with a weird look. I shook it off.

"Drive safe!" I said and turned and rushed into the house as the yelling grew louder.

I rushed down the stairs to the basement and noticed Jonathan standing protectively in front of the open door space. I looked towards the corner and noticed a teenager and a middle aged man. The girl looked angry and happy at the same time. This was odd. The man looked agitated and was pacing. His veins and canines were extended. As was the girls.

"Hello Isobel. It's nice to see you again." The man said as his eyes connected with mine. I felt my lip curl back and a growl ripped its way up my chest and Jonathan mimicked me. The man held his hands up. "My daughter and I mean you no harm Jonathan, Isobel."

"Believe it or not but Bryan sent us." The girl spoke softly. I looked at her incredulously.

"Bryan? As in Bryan Monte Money?" The girl nodded her head.

"Then who are you." Another growl ripped up my throat.

"I'm Paige and this is my father Damien Salvatore." I stared at the girl and Jonathan dropped into a crouch.

What the fuck are you doing here!!?” Jonathan shouted.

"We are here to help you imbecile. Bryan would not have sent for us if he did not think we could help. I do not agree with what my father, Raphael, has planned for you kids." The man, Damien said.

"So Wait... You're My Cousin?" I asked Paige. Then at Damien. "My uncle?" They both nodded.

"Bryan, my boyfriend, sent us. We have to protect you from Grandfather at all costs. We cannot let him have you." She said fiercely.

"Why do you want to help us?" Jonathan asked next. He was slowly coming out of his crouch.

"We are family. Veronica would have wanted me to help you. For us to help you." Damien said and took a step towards me. Jonathan growled a warning.

"You have not Woken yet?" Paige asked. I looked at her and shook my head. "When?"

"In a 6 days." She nodded.

"Have you found your mate?" This question was directed at Jonathan.

"Only just recently." He says warily. "Her name is Desi. And if you fucking touch her I'll rip your god damn head right off your fucking shoulders." Damien smiled.

"You will be a strong vampire one day. You and your brother Alec. As for that filthy thing you hang around with, what was his name? Mitchell, Mason?"

"Mikal!" I growled.

"Mikal! Yes, him. He's gone away for a while it would appear. So I want have to deal with the weakling." I glared at my supposed Uncle.

Who does he think he is? Just because we may be related doesn't mean I consider him family. Mikal was more my family than this douche was. Fuck sake! I've never even met this bastard before and he's already pissing me off. Well... at least I don't think I've met him before? Either way he's pissing me off, and what the fuck did he mean Mikal went away for a while?

"He didn't tell you? You see Paige. This is why I don't like the clan. They never speak the truth and they are trying to kill my niece and nephew's. Your cousins!" Damien spoke to his daughter. Paige rolled her eyes like she had heard this speech a thousand times before. She probably had.

"Like I said earlier Isobel. I'm... We are not here to fight. Right Dad?" She said and looked at her father.

"Right." He said firmly. His fangs retracted and the spidery veins slowly disappeared. I noticed Jonathan's doing the same.

"Where is Alec?" I asked Jonathan.

"Showing Mikal off at the airport."

Well, there goes my plan to talk things out with him. Today certainly was interesting...

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