You're A Pain In My... Wait... What?

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This story will be coming in a lot slower than I want it to, but I won't stop working on it. So don't worry about that. It has just come to my attention that I need more Robert and Monte in here. Considering they have a big role. So here we go. Comment, Vote. Do it...................... Or I will find you. Silent Readers aren't welcome here. :) Just kidding I'd just prefer if you told me how you felt about the chapter. I'm ranting so... forward trusty steed.

I growled as I walked through downtown Black Haven. It was fucking freezing. Back in Shreveport or Bossier City it would have been fucking 90 degrees. Here it's -2 degrees. It never got this cold in Louisiana. Right about now I wish I was there... Even if they do have a breakout of the West Nile virus. I heard one of the town bitches got it. Ha. Serves her right. I'll later regret that probably.

Anyways as I had promised Emma, Desi, and Ami, I was headed to the hang out to play Sexual Pool. Jonathan wasn't going to miss the chance to see Desi so he was following close behind me. Well more like skipping, but that's beside the point right now. I was shivering and here is my brother not two feet behind me skipping. Desi, what have you done to my brother? That's meant to be a joke by the way.

I came to stop making Jonathan run into my back.

"What the hell?" Jonathan nearly shouted. Standing 10 feet away was Cam. I was so happy.

"Cameron!" He spun around and grinned when he saw me. I grinned at who he was standing with.

"Hey Isobel. Bryan you remember her right?!" Standing beside him was none other than Bryan 'Monte' Money. He's so fucking adorable it's not even funny

"Yeah I remember her, but I don't think I actually got a chance to talk to you." He said with an adorable little grin. It made me giggle. He was adorable!

"I don't believe we did. I talked with Craig and Robert, met Max. I wasn't really introduced to you though."

"In that case... Hello!!!!! I'm Bryan." He did this cute bow thing.

"Well, it's certainly nice to meet you sir." I said it with a British accent. He grinned widely.

"What brings you to these parts lovely?" Cam questioned. I raised an eyebrow.

"I was invited to play sexual pool." They all seemed to freeze.

"Do you think we should inform her?" I stood there confused.

"Inform me of what." They looked grim. My heart picked up in my chest.

"Well Sammi Doll decided to join us for the rest of the tour. They went to pick her up." I sighed in relief.

"You guys made it seem like they were dead!" I shrieked. I hit Cam on the arm. He began cackling evilly. "What the hell is Jonathan doing?" I stared at my brother who was standing beside the cover swatting and thin air.

"Imma smack a bee!" I heard him proclaim. I started laughing hysterically. It was never a dull day with Jonathan around. "I wonder what that bee is thinking.... Imma bee Imma bee Imma, Imma, Imma bee." I shook my head.

Hearing the information about Sammi Doll upset me for some weird reason. I've always adored Sammi Doll. So why wouldn't I be excited about seeing her? Maybe it's because whenever I was around Jinxx I got warm fuzzy's in my stomach. Maybe it's because Jinxx is the only man that I've wanted to spill my life story to and come to every night and tell him I loved him. Whoa! Where the fuck did that come from? Last I checked I was head over heels in love with Mikal. When the fuck did this all change. I mean it was just yesterday I was sitting in my room kissing him.

"What's up, sugar plum?" I stared at Bryan with a 'What the Fuck' face. Bryan grinned widely. I hadn't realized that Cam had gone over and was singing with Jonathan.

"Oh you know. The sky." I smirked.

"Cute. That's not what I was talking about." I sighed and sat down on the grass. He soon joined me.

"A lot of shit. That's what's up. I haven't even really had time to digest some of it."

"Talking helps. That is if you are ok with telling me." I glanced over at him.

"It's a long story." He chuckled.

"I've got all the time in the world. I've been known to give good advice." There was something about that statement that bugged me. A double meaning if you would.

I then proceeded to tell him about what's happened since I got here. Minus the whole being vampires mind you. That would have just been stupid of me. Down wright ignorant. I know my step mom may have said that I was ignorant, but the reality of that was so far from the truth it wasn't even funny. I was doing calculus problems when I was a 5th grader.

"Despite the fact that your story has holes, and I don't expect you to tell me everything, I think you know the reason you are confused about Mikal and Jinxx. Something big is coming. I'm not quite sure what, but it will change the course in the direction you are heading." He had this faraway look in his eyes. To tell you the truth, his answer rattled me.

"How do you know that something big is coming?" I stared over at Cam and Jonathan who were loudly singing 'Unholy Confessions' by Avenged Sevenfold. Bryan chuckled beside me.

"If I let you in on a little secret, do you promise not to tell?" I nodded without looking at him. "I'm a seer." I looked over at him with wide eyes.

"A seer." I said incredulously. He smiled and nodded. I stared at him. Why couldn't seers be real if vampires were?

"Don't believe me if it makes you feel better." He told me. I could tell he was upset.

"If I let you in on a little secret, do you promise not to tell?" He looked at me and chuckled slightly, but nodded otherwise. "I'm not all that normal either." I wasn't going to elaborate. People claimed to be seers all the time. You never saw people claiming to be vampires.

"I already knew that Isobel. I Saw it. I don't know what I Saw. It was there though. Your secret is safe with me." I nodded.

"If there are seers and... are there other being's as well."

"If you mean aliens then I guess it's possible. If you meant fairytale monsters they yes. There are." His tone of voice was grim. I had a feeling he encountered them all the time. In that case he's probably encountered vampires. I thought about asking him that.

"Bryan... What all have you encountered?" He smirked.

"Werewolves and Fairy’s mostly. Whatever you are." I looked at him.

"Vampire." I said it before I could stop myself. Yes it was foolish of me. I felt that I could trust Bryan with my life even though I've only known him for 35 minutes now.

"Vampire." Bryan stated with a sad smile. He got that faraway look in his eyes again. "You will encounter many hardships Isobel Annarosa Salvatore. You, your brothers, Mikal, and your mates. You will need to determine who are friend and who are foe. Look underneath the surface. If you don't I fear it will be too late." I held in a breath and let it out with a 'whoosh'. I felt like I'd been punched in the gut.

"Did you just See something?" I can't believe how natural it felt talking about this with Bryan. I knew I could trust him though.

"Yes. I cannot See what will happen exactly or who. Just glimpse of things." He eyes were filled with sorrow. He wasn't looking at me though. He was looking at Cam. I felt sick. Like I would throw up. "I will help you as much as I can. Rob will to." He nodded.

"Rob. As in Robert Ortiz?" He nodded once more. "What is he?" He smiled.

"That is not for me to share sugar plum." He chuckled and stood. He held his hands out to me. "The peanut gallery approaches." Sure enough I could see a bus appear over the hill with CC leaning out the window attempting to flash people with his 'boobs'. I chuckled as I hear him yell "MY NIPPLES ARE HARD!"

I would keep what Bryan said in mind. I had a feeling I would need to.

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