You Wanna Do What?

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So heres chapter 2.  I laughed a lot while writing this. 

My dream since I was little had always been about me and my brothers.  I, we, wanted to be in a band.  It wasn’t until a few months ago that I’d found a guy to help me out with my, our, dream.  That guy was my best friend, Xavier.  It wasn’t until about a month ago that he was killed in a freak accident at our school that I was somehow involved in, according to the girl who witnessed it at least.  She hated me though so not many people had believed her. 

I remember the day like it was yesterday.  Xavier and I were walking to band class down the middle corridor.  We were arguing over whether Ronnie Radke or Craig Mabbitt was the better singer.  Normally I would have said both, but I was agitated that day.  He had just got done saying Ronnie when it happened.  It happened so quick I hadn’t even realized it did happen.  I had turned around and punched his arm, just his arm, when he collapsed.  Andrea, the witness, had said that my eyes had turned all black and a weird sound had come out of my mouth and then there was silence.  I didn’t remember it though.  It had all happened to quick.  When the police had told my dad these claims, he started acting weird.  Muttering about how it was happening to early.  I didn’t know what he was talking about.  

I was shaken out of my thoughts by Alec.  He had sat on my lap and was looking at me with an unreadable expression.  “Why are you crying Isobel?” I hadn’t even realized I was.  I pushed him off me.

“Get off me you fat cow!” I giggled as he patted his stomach. 

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’m not fat.”  He said smiling that stupid goofy smile he always wore.  Then he plopped down on the bed beside me.  Glancing at the TV screen, where Black Veil Brides music video for Fallen Angels was playing, he turned it to a different video.  It was Art of Dying video for Die Trying.  I smiled.  “There’s my big sissy’s smile!”  He laughed.

“Shut up Alec.  I was just thinking about things.”  I said.  I glanced at my dog that was at the foot of my bed.

“What were you thinking about that had you crying?”  He was always nosy.  I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. So I did what I normally did when I didn’t want to talk about these things.  I lied.

“I was just thinking about how bad I want our band to make it.  I realized it’s a very slim chance that we will.”  This was a lie he always believed.  I felt bad about it but it had to be brought up anyways.  He stared at me for a long while before he sighed and looked away.

“It’s a risk every band has to be willing to take I guess.”  He said staring at Coop, my dog.  He was a pit bull and lab mix.

Our band was called Calling All Freaks.  There was a long story behind that name but it totally fit for us.  The singer of the band was me with Jonathan as backup vocals and guitarist.  Alec was our drummer.  The bassist was a friend of ours who always tagged along with us when we moved.  His name was Mikal Evans.  He surprisingly looked like and considering we weren’t even related.  He was tall, like super tall.  Black curly hair that normally stayed straight always covered his left eye.  His eyes were black.  He wasn’t all that muscular though.  Not that that was a bad thing.

Mikal kind of followed us whenever we moved saying that we were the only family that he’s got.  When we would look at him weird he would always add, ‘Figuratively speaking of course.’  It was ok he was one of our best friends.  To me he was my older brother.

Back to how we got the name Calling All Freaks, Xavier had come up with it.  His reasoning was that the jocks and preps had always called us Freaks, and emo.  So one day I had been joking around and said, ‘We should call up our home freaks from all the other schools we’ve been to and get them to come up!’ I swear you would have thought that I had smacked Xavier in the face with the look he gave me.  Then he suggested it.  Immediately Mikal, Alec, Jonathan, and I had begun conversing about it and Voila.  Calling All Freaks had been officially named.

“You know that BVB and ETF are going to be here in a few weeks right?” Alarmed I looked up at Alec and freaked.  I seriously freaked.

“You’re serious!” I yelled. “You better not be joking with Alexander James Salvatore!  Because if you are I’ll…”  He cut me off!

“I’m dead serious sissy.  I wouldn’t joke about this with you.”  He looked me dead in the eye.  “I seriously wanna do Jake Pitts.  He’s my man crush!” He said looking at me with a serious expression.  I couldn’t help it.  I laughed and laughed until I had tears streaming out of my eyes and my stomach ached from the laughing.  He just smiled.  “What is up with you and Mikal laughing every time I say that?”  He yelled throwing his hands up in the air.  “I’m being dead serious!”

“I know I’m sorry Alec!  But seriously you wanna do Jake Pitts. Holy Jinxx that’s a good one, what’s up with you and Jonathan?”  I said after I recovered from laughing.

“Who wants to do Jake?” Jonathan said entering my room with Mikal not far behind.  I glanced at Mikal and a grin appeared across his face.

“Alec has a crush on Jake Pitts!” I yelled laughing, again.  Jonathan had an unreadable expression on his face and he visibly shivered.  “You just pictured it didn’t you!” I collapsed on the bed laughing with Mikal not far behind me on the floor.  Jonathan just nodded.  Alec blushed.

I still had a bad feeling about this place, but as I sat here surrounded by my family I knew it couldn’t get any better than it was.  I should just enjoy it while it lasts.  

So what did you think? The picture is of Alec just picture with black eyes.

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