At Least I Won't Sparkle

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So sorry for the wait... I tried uploading at my house and it would not let me!!!!!! >.< So here it is a few weeks later... Hoping you like it... SO COMMENT AND VOTE!!!!!! dedicated to @simplysexy105 because she comment and for that I thank you

"Isobel... what are you talking about? Where are your brothers?" I glared harshly at my dad. Never in my life have I despised this man. This was the closest I'd ever come to it.

"Oh I don't know we just had a car chasing us, not to mention them asking where the girl was, and the gunshot! Daddy Mikal and the guys could be dead!" I felt tears well up in my eyes. Dad stared at me trying to make sense of my babbling. His eyes widened. "Whatever this is about, Alec seemed to think I should know!" Dad started mumbling under his breath.

"Baby girl... I'm going to tell you. It's going to sound incredibly..."

"Shut up and get to the point Dad!" I was angry and out of my mind worried about the guys. It just hit me that I left Cam with BVB. Hopefully he's in good hands. My mind wandered back to Mikal. I don't know what I would do if he was dead, or any of them for that matter.

"Baby girl, sit down for this." He sat on the edge of the love seats arm.

"I'd rather not." He sighed and rubbed his head.

"You aren't supposed to learn of this until you turned 18. That was your mother's last request." I stared at him. He sighed again. I was 17 and 18 in two weeks. "Isobel... your mother, she, she... how do I put this..." he trailed off. I began getting agitated. "She wasn't... entirely human." He stopped at that to gauge my reaction. I didn't give me the satisfaction.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I glared harshly at my dad.

"I'm only going to continue if you promise not to interrupt. Do you think you can handle this?" I simply nodded.

"I met your mother when she first 'woke' up." I instantaneously became confused. "She told me that I was her mate of some sorts. I, of course, found it odd. Any normal person would have found it odd. She smiled at me and told me that she would leave me one day and that I would be passing this information down to someone else. When you were born I knew then what she meant." My mind was reeling. What the hell is he talking about? I wish he would get to the point.

I looked up at him and opened my mouth to say something but he held his hand up.

"I'm getting there Isobel. She passed out immediately after telling me this. I called for help, the EMS showed up shortly after that. She remained asleep for 3 days. During those days something kept me from leaving her. When she woke her eyes were blacked out and had black veins popping up underneath them. She was paler than she was seconds before. I was fixing to ring for help when she was suddenly in front of me holding her hand to my mouth. She told me not to be afraid. That she wouldn't hurt me. She could never hurt me." He took a deep breath. "Isobel... your mother told me she wasn't entirely human. This may come as a big shock, but your part vampire."

"Are you crazy?! You're telling me that I'm a fucking Vampire!" This was insane. Deep down I knew he wasn't lying. It made so much sense.

"Isobel you are one. Alec, Jonathan, and Mikal all are. Females 'wake' up on their 18th birthday. The males wake up on their 16th. Mikal isn't related to us but his mother was really good friends with Veronica. You can still walk around in the sunlight. Only the full blooded are incapable of doing so." I nodded suddenly understanding.

"At least I won't sparkle." I murmured underneath my breath.

"Isobel... that's not all. Your mother ran away from her family at the age of 16. She grew up knowing of this. Your mother was not only part vampire but royalty amongst the half and full bloods. You see her mother was human. Those men earlier were after you so they could bring you to your grandfather. You must never go to him. Mikal and your brothers have done all they could to protect you. They may have even died doing the job." I sucked in a breath. "Not necessarily though. Alec is very strong. Mikal and Jonathan are fast. You are too." I hadn't realized but I was suddenly on the opposite side of the other room.

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