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I can't believe I was kicked off the team for something that wasn't true.

"Tara, are you listening?" August asked knocking me out my thoughts.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked if you were going dress shopping."

"Yeah but I need to save a little bit more money first." I tokd him.

"I could give you the money."

I shook my head, "I don't want your dirty money."

"How much longer are you going to keep this up?" He asked.

"Until you stop being a dumbass and give this shit up. It's dangerous, August."

"I don't want to hear it, T."

"Tell me something, August." I looked him right in the eye. "What would Mel say to you if he knew you were doing this?"

He looked away from me clenching his jaw. I knew he was trying to keep himself from crying.

"Baby, I'm not trying to make you upset, I'm just trying to get you to understand."

"I'm just trying to help around here. My mama hides the fact that she's struggling, all I want to do is ease her mind." He said with his head down.

"But is this the right?"

"No, but it's my way."

I sighed knowing there was no way he was going to listen to me. He's too damn stubborn.

"I just don't want you getting hurt." I said just above a whispered.

"I won't."

"You don't know that."

"You just have to trust me." He pulled me close to him. "Do you trust me?"

I slowly nodded.


"So you're telling me August is selling drugs?" Lani whispered as we looked through dresses.


She stated to laugh.

"I never knew the boy had it in him."

"Lani, this isn't funny. He could get killed or go to jail."

"T, you worry too much. That stuff happens if your dumb or sloppy with what you do and August isn't either of those."

"I still don't like it." I mumbled.

"Ooh, what about this one?" She held up the dress.

"No, it has to match August's suit, either black or blue."

I picked up another dress and instantly fell in love. Shopping for a prom dress is almost like shopping for a wedding dress. It's too bad I'll never be able to share that moment with my mom.

I went to the dressing room to try on the dress.

"Hurry up and come out here." Lani said from the other side of the door.

Before she started being loud and ghetto I walked out the dressing room, twirling.

"My baby is growing up so fast." She pretended to wipe away a tear.

She Changed Him |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now