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The note that I received in my locker scared the living hell out of me. I believe it was Nate but I don't have proof.

"Please, don't go." I pleaded August as I held a death grip on his arm.

"What's wrong? You've been acting weird since you came from detention."

"I just don't want to be alone."

I've been getting that eerie feeling that I was being watched ever since the party. And that note was the icing on the cake for me.

I feel the need to constantly look out the window or look over my shoulder.

"Please don't go." I begged, feeling the need to cry.

All of this was too much for me.

He laid back in my bed, wrapping his arms around me, immediately feeling my mind at ease. I feel so safe and secure in his arms.

He rubbed my back soothingly as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I've been dreading to walk into the school today. I have six classes with Nate and I really don't want to look at him. My nerves are a complete jumbled up mess.

"T, are you okay?" Lani asked as I claimed my books out my locker.

A bright red piece of paper was sticking out of my history book. Ignoring Lani's question, I opened the small paper.

You will be mine soon, beautiful.

P.s. I left you gift.

I looked in my locker, spotting a envelope.

"Tara." Lani snapped her fingers.


"Are you okay? You look so pale, like you've seen a ghost."

" I'm fine." I quickly said before grabbing the envelope and slamming my locker shut.

I hurried off to the bathroom having a nauseous feeling wave over me. I stared at the envelope contemplating if I should really open it. After a long argument with myself I ripped it open.

You can never take a bad picture.

I stuffed the second note in my back pocket. There were a stack of pictures all of me. There were some of me sleeping, changing, and taking showers.

The door to a stall opened and I quickly hid the pictures behind my back.

Melanie walked out, sending a smile my way. She fluffed her hair after washing her hands. Without saying a word she walked out.

The bell ringed signaling class has started. There's no way I'm staying at school.

The hall was clear so it was the best opportunity. I grabbed my bag out of my locker and put the pictures all the way at the bottom.

As I walked down the street my phone flashed from a incoming message.

Where are you? Are you okay?

I didn't bother to answer.

I'm not okay and I won't be until this person leaves me alone.

A person stood on the opposite side of the sidewalk I was walking on. They stood in a black hoodie that shadowed over their face.

I sped up walking. When I looked back the person was gone.

I reached my house, feeling relief. It was silent meaning my father had already left for work.

I decided to go to my room and sleep away this horrible nightmare.


I let out a pleasant moan as I felt fingers comb through my hair. The hand touched my cheek making the hairs on my neck stand up.

The chill that ran down my spine let me know this was not August which is who I assumed it would be.

My eyes popped open and the horror towered over me. The same person that was watching me walk home.

I couldn't scream so I punched the person in the stomach and ran downstairs. August was ready to knock when I swung the door open, ready to run for my life.

I leaped into his arms, breaking down.


"H-he's upstairs." I sobbed.

"Who's upstairs."

I couldn't muster up the words, I was too busy chocking on my tears. He released himself from my death grip and retreated up the stairs.

I slowly followed behind him. When my room came into sight I nearly fainted.

More pictures that was taken of me were scattered all over the floor and my bed. August snatched the note that was laying on my bedside table.

"Our time is soon." He read aloud.

His eyebrows furrowed at the note.

"Who's doing this, Tara?"

"I don't know." I replied lowly.

I assume it's Nate but that doesn't make my assumption valid. It could be someone I would least expect it to be.

He sighed as he looked at me.

"When's the last time you had some actual rest?" He asked.

It's clearly evident that I haven't had much sleep. I slept a few minutes here and there but I couldn't get any real rest. I was too scared to sleep.

I shrugged.

"Why aren't you at school?" I watched him throw away all the pictures.

"I was worried something was wrong since you didn't reply back to my text." He told me. "I want you to lay down and get some rest."

I shook my head, "I can't sleep, what if he comes back?"

"He won't come back." He assured.

He motioned for me to get in the bed.

"Can you lay with me?" I asked him once I reluctantly climbed in bed.

August nodded and laid beside me, pulling me close to his chest.


I dragged the picture down my tongue before placing it in the photo album.

Her beauty is too much to take in. It makes me go insane.

That punk ass nigga chose to walk in when I was about to give her the love she deserves. I know she loves me back but she doesn't want to admit it yet.

I just want to feel her tightness as I look her in this beautiful hazel eyes. She just doesn't know that she can receive much more from me than that bitch.

We're going to get married and start a family.

Our time is soon.


What do you think Nate is planning to do with Tara?

Excuse mistakes.

She Changed Him |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now