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I updated again because I loooove yall.



Lani tied Melanie up to a chair.

"I'm going to give you one last chance to tell me where my sister is." Lani got in her face.

"I already told you I don't know where that bitch is." She spat.

Lani chuckled, "Okay."

She pulled out a black box and opened it revealing an assortment of knives.

"My baby." She grinned as she picked up the small but sharpest one.

Yeah, she's definitely Damien's daughter. Lani stood in front of Melanie with a cold look on her face.

"Where is she, Melanie?" She dragged the blade down her cheek slowly pressing it into her skin.

An ear piercing scream escape from Melanie as Lani presses the blade deeper and deeper into her skin.

"Are you going to tell me now?" She raised her voice.

"Yes, Yes!" Melanie cried out.

I find this all quite amusing. Watching this is putting a smile on my face. I'll let Lani have her fun but when we catch Nate, it won't be pretty.

Lani stopped, waiting for her to spill out information.

"He took her to Springfield, to a house he bought but he never told me the exact location."

"You and your brother are fucking pathetic." Lani hissed.

"I'm sorry." She broke down crying.

"You're not sorry yet, bitch."

I opened the duffle bag full of documents. One paper caught my eye. It was a deed for a house.

1347 Marysville Rd. 42302.

"I found the address." I told Lani.

She rudely snatched the paper from me and read over the address.

"That's about two hours from here." She said.

"We better get going now."

"I'll finish you later bitch." Lani narrowed her eyes at Melanie before retreating up the stairs.


I looked in the mirror examining my beaten face while clutching a sheet tightly around me. I touched my busted lip immediately flinching in pain. Once again I was beaten for "disobeying".

"Tara get out here and get this blood off the floor." Nate called from the other side of the door.

A tear slid down my cheek as my shaky hand reached for the door knob. All of a sudden the power shut off. Loud bangs came from downstairs. Gun shots, yelling, things breaking.

I stepped back from the door and slid down the wall. Right now I was scared that whoever was in this house was going to kill me or do something way worse than what Nate has done to me.

The commotion came to a complete halt. The silence started to make me feel uneasy.

"Tara. Baby are you in there?" A different voice on the other side of the door asked.

I gasped, "August?"

"Yes, open the door."

I shook my head, "How do I know that's you?"

She Changed Him |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now