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This is it. The beginning of my future. I admired the set up of the graduation outside as we took our places.

"I'm free bitch! Fuck this school and you wack ass teachers!" Lani shouted as she walked to her seat.

She received disapproving looks but she didn't have a care in the world. August sat next to me in his designated spot with his gold Valedictorian stole on.

He's graduating with a 5.0 grade point average.

"You look nice." I complimented.

He smiled, "Thanks, you look nice too."

Fuck boy by Trina started to play out of nowhere. I looked behind me seeing Lani rapping along to the lyrics coming from her phone.

I shook my head before facing forward.

"I'm stopping." I heard him say.

My attention turned back to him.

"Stopping what?"

"Selling drugs, I'm going to focus on music like I should've been a long time ago." He told me.

"That's good. Mel would be proud of you."

He slightly nodded. The ceremony started and the principal began with her introductory speech then all the students were called up to retrieve their diplomas.

August ended with his speech. Something I know he spent some time on.

Then there was the part everyone was waiting for. We moved out tassel to the other side and threw out hats into the air.

This is the end of a new beginning.


"Class of 2016, fuck you teachers who always gave me detention!" Lani yelled with her middle finger up. "Party time!"

Graduation party that is being thrown by Greg, of course.

"What party are you going to, Lani?" Chris asked.

"The graduation party." She spoke in a duh tone.

"No you're not."

"Please." She whined.

"No." He replied in a dismissive tone.

It looks like I'll be attending by myself.


Multiple eyes were on me as I walked through the door to the raging party. My sheer red and black two piece hugged everything with my heels making my legs look amazing.

I pushed through the already drunk and high people to go claim my first drink.

"I like that dress." I heard August's voice over the loud music.

I twirled around pursing my lips.

"I like it too, that's why I wore it."

"You sure you ain't wear it for me?" He licked his lips.

The alcohol on his breath made it clear that he's had a few drinks.

"I'm sure." I pushed past him to go to the dance floor.

Two hours well into the party I was slightly buzzed. I didn't want to drink too much since I have to drive.

I went to use the upstairs bathroom and while I washed my hands someone knocked.

She Changed Him |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now