Preliminary Author's Note

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As a second tale, it is dedicated to twice as many as the first.

As always, to the original author, I say thank you. J.R.R. Tolkien, thank you for the stories that crafted my childhood and will continue to change my adult life, I am sure.

Second to an artist, a musician I look up to. Katy Perry, thank you for the music that gives me courage, that make me remember, that break my heart and builds my soul.

For my best friends who inspired the Fairie from the beginning and the Psychopath with the key. Friendship fades about as easily as memories, and I will never forget you.

For my biggest fan who read every chapter of the first and encouraged the second when I lost hope. Thank you for reminding me what I was writing for.

Also to my mother, odd as it sounds, for telling me to keep going, even when it seems everything else is going to stop. Magic has been a part of my life because of you, amad, thank you for that.

Lastly to you, who waited so patiently, for so long, to read this story. Thank you for coming here eagerly, curiously, nervously. thank you, because the one I'm writing for, is you.


This tale is not for the faint of heart. There is profuse discussion of cutting, depression, physical violence, mental disorders, blood, and foul language. There is bleeding, references to a past in self harm, lots of anger and lots of crying. If you have depression, PTSD, anxiety, or low self esteem, I don't suggest reading this story. If you think you can handle it, be my guest, and if my works hurt you, then I am sorry, but you have been warned. Oh, don't get your hopes up, It's not smut, just really violent.

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