Chapter 5

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Andy made tea and the twins changed into matching black and white pyjamas. David was still in his performing costume and Mara had gone to find a change of clothes. Thorin and Kili had shed their coats and left them on a the back of the couch where Mara gestured. Once she had set down the tea, Andy hung them carefully in a closet and then set with her chipped mug, scanning the Durins carefully. The air was tense and no one spoke. Mara came back wearing an oversized t-shirt and green pyjama pants and sat down on the couch between Fili and Kili who immediately started playing with her hair.

"How is it this color?" Fili broke the silence and David clenched his jaw.

"That's not a conversation for right now," Mara mumbled and looked at David. "Alright. Go."

"They aren't real," he started and went on for a good half hour talking about logic and reason and Tolkien's plot holes. When he finally stopped Mara smiled at him and ran a hand through her many braids (credit to Kili and Fili).

"Except here they are," she pointed out and David opened and closed his mouth and then shook his head.

"This is crazy. This is totally mad," he mumbled and sat on a chair. Andy rose and moved to stand beside him, rubbed his shoulder gently.

"Maranda, you once told me that if you could you would go back to Middle Earth in a heartbeat," Andy said in her deep voice. Mara nodded. "Looking at these three, who could have walked right off a movie set, I'm inclined to believe you."

"Andy!" David sounded scandalized.

"David, think about it. The evidence has always been stacked in her favor. The time lapses, the scars, the memories. All of it was there. Now here is the biggest factor. Three Dwarves."

"Do they look like Dwarves to you? They're Human sized," David gestured and Kili, Fili and Thorin shared a confused look.

"And when I was in Middle Earth I was Dwarf sized," Mara piped up. She looked calm and collected, not explosive like the Durin's would have expected. "However it is anyone gets to the other side, they manage to fit to the world they're in." David scoffed and looked at the ceiling.

"I can't believe I'm listening to this," he mumbled.

"David," Andy said softly and David glanced at her. He pulled her down onto his lap and kissed her cheek gently.

"Fine, you win. They're Dwarves, I'm crazy," he said and Andy petted his hair gently.

"Knew we would win you over," Kili beamed and the Twins cocked their heads slightly. "So, let me think if I can remember. The twins are Thomas and Benedict." Nod. "The older one is David and his fiance, miss Andy."

"Yup," Mara said.

"Mara used to talk about you all the time," Kili said and smiled. "Did you all really used to play sword fight?"


"But not anymore."

"Not since the collapse-"

"-Of civilization," The Twins said back and forth.

"Oh shut up. Civilization is fine," David barked. "And by the way we didn't play around."

"Oh yes we were training," Ben rolled his eyes.

"For battle," Tom sighed earning a smack from David.

"Very serious business," Mara winked at Thorin and he smiled faintly. Andy sighed.

"I can't believe I'm married to this," she sighed and left. David went after her and a door closed moments later.

"Alright, brats. Bedtime," Mara said standing up.

"But we want to play GTA with the princes," whined the Twins as one.

"GTA?" questioned Fili and Kili. Mara shot them a look.

"You can play tomorrow, now bed," she commanded and the Twins narrowed their eyes.

"What's the rush?"

"Planning something special?"

"Maybe she's in love."

"Yes, in love with one of them."

"Or all of them."

"BED!" roared Mara and chased them from the room. She sighed and flopped onto the small love seat they vacated. "Those two..." she mumbled into the pillow and Kili blinked in surprise.

"Do you have tattoos on your arms?" He demanded and she looked at him.

"Arms, back, head, wrists," she said and pulled back her hair so they could see the runes on her head. No, not runes.

"You got Khuzdul on your skin!" Kili said in delight and pulled her head towards his eyes. "'I am a guardian...Protector of Kings...I am...Fairy.' That's very pretty," he said in a touched voice. She smiled awkwardly and Fili held her hands loosely to examine her wrists.

"This one says 'shield', but the other looks...Elvish," he said a bit coldly. Mara shrugged.

"Yeah, well. I'll get you guys some clothes and blankets. We don't have a spare room, so you're gonna have to sleep on the couch," and she swept from the room. Kili sighed and stretched on the loveseat.

"It's good seeing her again," he mumbled and Fili nodded, a frown on his face.

"Yeah...good." When Mara came back she dumped the pillows and blankets on the Boys and left a stack of clothes on the coffee table. Thorin stood up to talk, but she just grabbed his hand and tugged him out into the hall.

"Are you alright?" he asked softly and she nodded.

"Yeah, I'm just...a bit shocked, I suppose. It's nice seeing you again," she smiled up at him and he pulled her against his chest gently, hugging her carefully.

"I'm glad to see you again as well," he murmured and she looked up at him. "When you left-"

"I didn't leave. One moment I was in the olive grove then next there were lights and flashing and I was in the middle of the road outside my house," she sighed and placed her head on his chest. "I didn't want to leave. Not even a bit." Now was not the time. Most definitely not the time to ask her. No. Don't, don't, do-

"I asked you to marry me," mumbled Thorin quietly and she looked up at him. "You said you needed time. It's been ten years." Dammit Thorin! He berated himself. Maranda only smiled faintly and rose up on her toes. She pressed her nose into line with his and nuzzled closer.

"Ask me again?" she said softly.

"Maranda will you do me the extreme honor of being my queen?" he murmured, their lips barely an inch apart. Maranda leaned closer, arms around his neck, breathe mingled and lips were so close and then-

"Mara, how do I put on this-oh." Fili froze in the hall, paled and fled back into the living room. Mara was bright red and hiding her face in Thorin's shoulder.

"Mara," mumbled Thorin and pressed a kiss to the tip of ear. It was strange, seeing her with rounded ears and tattoos and a broken heart. She peered up at him, a sign of her younger more playful self peeking out.

"I'm sorry. We should talk about this when haven't been awake for three days straight," she mumbled and Thorin sighed. He waited six months, one more night wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Goodnight, Mara," he mumbled and turned back to the living room.

"Wait," Maranda said and tugged him back by his hand, She leaned up and pressed her lips to his. Thorin's first reaction was shock, then relief and then, where the hell did she learn to kiss like that? Because she was very, very good. In a matter of seconds his hands were running through her braids as her fingers trailed through his own mane of hair. They eventually had to stop for breath, but Mara tugged on his braids lightly and he let her guide him up to her room.

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