Chapter 3

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Thorin didn't know who Richard Armitage was, but he hoped that he never met these people. He had had five separate girl try to force themselves onto him and boys kept asking for him to take of his shirt so they could see if they were more muscular than him. He had not complied. Obviously. Fili was struggling as well as they searched for Kili in the crowd. The pounding music and flashing light were giving Thorin an intense migraine and when the music went from live to recorded, he started getting confused as to which way the stage was. He looked over the crowd and saw the band moving into a small corridor. He grabbed Fili, barged through the crowd and leapt onto the stage.

They followed them quietly into a room where they heard shouting. The woman, who was in a red dress, was leaning against a doorframe and the noise was coming from inside the room. People were fighting about someone named Kyle and why he was in the back. Thorin peered into the room and saw the band and a girl with blue hair arguing. And there, leaning against the wall, was Kili.

"Kili," snapped Thorin. Everyone looked at him and the blue haired girl straightened and backed away. "We're leaving, come on."

"Uncle, you'll never believe-"

"Kili, now," the king snapped and Kili sighed.

"Have you met the band yet?" he said lightly and Thorin narrowed his eyes.

"Oh Mahal," breathed Fili in shock and shoved past his uncle. He scooped up the blue haired girl and span her around. "Thank the Valar, blessed stars you're here!" He was laughing and hugging and the blue haired girl seemed to know him because she was hugging him tightly and crying slightly through her laughter. "Where have you been?"

"I been? I'm here, where have you been?" the girl asked through laughter and tears. The two younger boys, one in black one in white, were sitting on a table with their heads cocked to the side. They had the same face. The man with red hair was fuming as the woman in the dress, who was nearly as tall as him, held his arm gently.

"Hey, still here," said the redhead and the blue haired girl smiled awkwardly.

"Um, David, these are...two of the most important people in my life." She was attacked with a Durin Son Sandwich Hug and laughed as FIli and Kili squished her between them. "Oh, geroff!" she laughed and pulled herself free. "Um, boys, these are my brothers. And his fiance," she gestured at the girl in red. She smiled awkwardly and flashed a sparkling diamond ring.

"Congratulations," Kili said and the woman nodded once in polite confusion. "It's so nice to meet-"

"Boys," snapped Thorin and everyone looked at him except the blue haired girl. "Leaving."

"What? Uncle we can't!" Fili said in panic. "After all this time and you just want to-"

"I'm not surprised," the blue haired girl said softly and slumped into a huge, squishy armchair, looking defeated and tired. "He's probably married and happy and I'm just another notch in his belt." She seemed completely cold when it came to Thorin and it was making him uneasy.

"What?" Kili said in shock.

"I'm just some-"

"Somebody that I used to know," the black and white twins sang in unison and ducked as a shoe went flying at them from the Blue Girl's direction.

"Shaddap Ben and Tom," she snapped as they giggled cruelly.


"It's so fun."

"Making you steam."

"And bubble."

"And seeth." The spoke one after the other, the words a constant stream as if one person said it. It was disconcerting.

"Look, Thorin doesn't think of you that way," Kili said crouching beside the Blue Girl. She snorted and rubbed at her nose. Was she going to cry?

"He should. It's been ten years now," she said dully as the twins pulled food from bags on the table. The soon to be weds were talking quietly but seriously by the door and Thorin was being ignored. Again.

"Ten years? It hasn't been ten years it's been six months," Fili said and the Blue Girl laughed.

"Yeah, sure sparky," she snorted and Kili took her hand.

"I'm serious. It's been less than a year," he said softly and the Girl trembled.

"You mean...I've been gone for so little time?" she said, just above a whisper. Kili nodded and she blinked rapidly then clenched her jaw.

"Boys, I'll not say it again," Thorin snarled. Kili and Fili shared a look and Fili walked towards his uncle. he stepped behind him and shoved. He pushed Thorin all the way across the room as Kili helped the Girl up.

"Uncle look at her! Her eyes her face!" Kili ordered.

"This is-"

"DO IT!" the Boys shouted and he growled but looked at the girl anyway. She looked terrified, being this close to him. Her face was pale, pink lips trembling. Her eyes were wide and brown. No, not brown. They were amber, only...they shone. They were golden. He reached one hand up tentatively and pushed the blue hair from her face, pushing it past her ear. He looked at her face, pale and sculpted and so familiar. So familiar and so different. It was older and shaped and fierce and sad. It was a face he feared he would never see again.

"Mara," he breathed, just below a whispered and tears sprung up in her eyes.

"Th-Thorin," she said softly and he pressed his forehead to hers, hugging her close as she hung onto his neck and shook. 

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