Chapter 27

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"Tea. I don't fancy it. Dori keeps forcing it down my throat back home. Tea," Thorin grumbled as he glared moodily at the cup as they walked down the street. He received some glares from passer bys.

"Hush up and drink your caffeine," Mara said looking at a building and counting windows.

"It's good this stuff. All sweet and warm," Kili said happily.

"Suck up," Fili muttered, drinking his own bitter brew. The four were out in London, looking for a contact of Mara's, someone who might have the answers they needed. "It's only sweet because you added ten packets of that sugar stuff."

"And?" Kili said, eyes a bit crazed. Mara cast them a small smile and then glanced back at the building.

"There!" she pointed to a window with a small flag flying over the sill. It was black and had a silver tree embroidered on it. "And there's the fire escape. Come on." She trotted over, the Durin's on her heels as the people of London milled around cheerily, talking excitedly. Unlike America, or maybe it was just New Orleans, the people seemed relaxed and delighted to be out and about, despite the biting chill of snow and wind. Mara led them up the fire escape and she knocked on the window with the flag.

A small shout of shock from inside and then a girl's head. Her hair was huge and fuzzy, bouncing wildly as her head popped out from between white curtains. She wore round glasses made of gold and had a ring in her nose. That, along with her wide brown eyes, made her look like a baby bull. Dark brown freckles decorated her chocolatey skin and her lips split into a wide grin when she saw Mara.

"highflyer2941?" he asked in a lilting voice that reminded Kili of home.

"Azkabanshee12?" Mara said just as hesitantly.

"That's me! Come on in, sorry about all the secrecy," she said pulling up the flag and parting the curtains. Mara slipped in easily enough and after passing her his tea, Kili followed easily. Fili was a bit clumsier, nervous about falling from the third story and Thorin glared into the room.

"Come on, Thomas," Mara said, playing his fake name as Kili introduced himself to the banshee under the name 'Kyle'.

"I'll wait out here," Thorin said dryly and Mara gave him a critical look. "I'm not sure I'll fit," Thorin mumbled.

"Oh hush and get in here," Mara reprimanded, looking exasperated. Thorin obligingly climbed through the meter squared window and sat on a window seat. A table was set with a blue and white china set for tea and a few poufs had been set around it across from the window seat. "Thanks so much, Banshee." Mara said with a warm smile.

"Think nothin' of it. Me mam was a wiccan when she was with us so magic doesn't seem so farfetched to me. That said, Middle Earth?" she said holding a teacup delicately in her hands.

"It's important. I wouldn't do this if it wasn't," Mara said earnestly as Kili spooned more sugar into his cup of tea. Fili nibbled at a cookie shaped like a dog.

"Look, I'd love to go to Arda as much as the next girl, but Flyer, a different world? Are you sure it even exists?" Banshee asked, peering at Mara through her glasses. Mara glanced at Thorin, a question in her eyes. Thorin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, pushing the sunglasses aside a bit. He nodded.

"Can you keep a secret, Banshee?" Mara asked and the girl shrugged.

"Sure," she agreed.

"This is Thorin. The real Thorin," Mara said gesturing at Thorin. He removed the glasses and the hat, letting his ponytail drop into view. Banshee's eyes went wide and she almost dropped her teacup. Fili caught it taking off his own sunglasses and pulling down the scarf that was covering his mustache.

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