Chapter 34

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"Announcing his Royal Majesty, Thorin Oakenshield, Son of Thrain, Son of Thror, King under the mountain!" Ori said, pitching his voice as low as it could go. Dis hid a smile as the people stood and bowed as the doors were opened. The was a burst of light as bright as the forges deep within the halls and a shape rolled into the room. Gasps of shock and Dis rose up from her seat beside the throne, a fierce look on her face. The person staggered up and someone gasped in shock and several ladies fainted. It was Fili.

"Fili!" Dis said and ran over to him. What in the name of Mahal was he wearing and why was his hair cut off? "Fili what's happening, where's Thorin? Where's-" With a shout of barely contained ecstasy Kili tumbled through the air in a burst of light and collided with his brother.

"We're back!" Fili said steadying his brother. "Look it's mum!"

"Mum!" Kili said hugging his mother. What in the name of all the Valar..."Taurel!" he cried and ran to her. The Elf was surprised at the flamboyance with which he greeted her but didn't stop him from knocking his head against hers and kissing her right there in front of the whole Dwarven court. "Mahal how I missed you," he mumbled.

"Fili what in the name of the Seven Kingdoms is going on?" Dis demanded. Fili smiled crookedly.

"Well, Mum, see-" There was another flash of light and Fili was knocked clear over a Thorin crashed into him and stood up. He blinked around, then straightened. Dis stared at him in shock, hair pulled back and trimmed and-honestly he look positively tame.

"Ah, Dis. Court started already?" he said conversationally.

"Thorin you better start talking fast or Erebor will have a new queen," she snapped and Thorin looked like he was about to retort when he froze up.

"Queen!" he said and Fili turned on the spot, staring at the doors in expectation. No one moved and the air grew tense. What was happening? "Where is she?" Thorin mumbled.

"She's coming Uncle," Fili assured him.

"Then where is she?"

"She's coming."

"Jessie said the door would only stay open for so long, so where is M-" With a burst of light more brilliant than any yet and a scream that could have set hounds to howling, a small form crashed into the ground and groaned.

"Holy shit, goddamnit. That crazy fucker. If she broke me I swear I'm gonna show her...what's...what." Dis stared in awe at the spectacle before her. There, sure as the sun, stood Mara, hair shaved into a mohawk, the color of the sea after a storm, tattoos etched into her tanned skin, eyes a shimmering gold and dressed in trousers and a tunic. "We made it," she said, eyes wide. "We made it!" she repeated in joy and she leapt into Thorin's arms he hugged and span her in joy and before anyone could do more than exchanged shocked looks, Thorin kissed Mara. KISSED HER! Right there in front of Mahal and everybody.

"Your friend is a genius," he said releasing her at length and cupping her face.

"Of course she is. She's my friend," Mara said breathlessly. "Oh Thorin we made it," she said with a smile and he kissed her again.

"Mara!" cried Ori in delight, overcoming his shock and running to her side. He hugged her tightly and she squeezed him back. The girl had aged since last Dis saw her, aged to nearly Dis' own age, but still retained the youthful vigor Elves were blessed with. Chaos erupted as Dwalin and Balin and then the rest of The Company charged over, grabbing onto any part of Mara they could and crashing skulls and Ori took off and came back with Bombur from the kitchens who wept openly and hugged Mara, and Bilbo ran in from his chambers where he was working on his book and nearly shrieked when he saw what Mara had done to her visage, but hugged her all the same and everyone was asking questions and wondering why their hair was short, what they were wearing, and how they found the missing Fairy.

Thorin pushed through the crowd of Company and Other curious Dwarrow to his throne and pedestal. He cleared his throat and an anticipating silence echoed in the hall.

"I know you have many questions, all of which shall be answered, but for now let this suffice. Mara has been returned to Erebor, for now and forever!" A great cheer rose up, since practically everyone knew Mara from her days in Erebor that Spring. "Hush now, my folk, for I bear better news than this. For many years now I have known the face and the voice of my One. She came quite unexpectedly into my life and desolated any hopes I ever had of loving another. She fought for me in every way she knew of and I could never ask more of her. Thus it is my great honor and pleasure to introduce, Mara Rymtec ed Durin, Fairy and Elf friend and Hobbit friend alike. Dwarf friend and most importantly, Future Queen of Erebor and My One." The room erupted in cheers and Mara covered her face. Suddenly she wasn't on the floor she was in the air, spiraling erratically and laughing wildly.

"She can fly!" Kili cheered.

"I can fly!" Mara called back and laughter filled the space. She alighted next to Thorin, her clothing allowing her wings to bloom from her back and ankles, shoes abandoned and forgotten on the floor. Thorin pulled her into a close embrace and touched his forehead to hers.

"Welcome home, amralime."

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