Chapter 33

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"St. Michael's Tower?" said David skeptically. Jessie nodded, folding and unfolding a scrap of paper covered in scribbles in a multitude of colors of ink. "That's where we have to activate the Lost Road?"

"Yes, Yes! The Tor is filled with magical energy and the Tower is on top of it all, which means that we can harness the magical energy, open a door using the arches in the tower and send it off. It will work. I know it will. See!" she waved the paper in his face and David blinked as it fluttered back and forth in front of his face. Mara lowered Jessie's arm and she resumed folding and unfolding the paper. Thorin held onto Mara's other hand as the train rocketed over the Kingdom Bridge into England territory.

Evacuating the Warren had taken a lot less time than any of them thought. Jessie had the Automotons gather everything and put it in the lab. She collected their memory chips, placing them in a small metal box, then set the room on fire. Everyone had grabbed a coat, a scarf and started running. Once out amidst the thankfully still highlands, Jessie had typed a code into the hatch and the whole hill and had dropped into flat land, the beach tree cracking asunder and falling onto the ground. Jessie didn't look back. Once at the station, Jessie had bought tickets for a first class bullet train to England. The Signpost was carried by Thorin in a hurriedly constructed case that made it look like a bass.

They had a whole car to themselves and would arrive at the Station closest to the Tor in an hour at most. Fili and Kili were taking advantage of the complementary refreshments, knowing soon they would never see a chocolate covered pretzel or Coke again. Thorin couldn't wait for it. They hadn't had time to change, so Thorin was still in the clothes she had proposed to Mara in, but he had 'accidentally' abandoned the vest in the burning Lab. Mara had remained in her outfit, more concerned with the welfare of the Signpost than her own personal fashion. But Thorin had caught her looking a her hand now and then, a smile creeping over her face repeatedly.

Pythia was speaking softly with Ben and Tom as Andy leaned on David, sleeping sporadically. Jessie kept muttering about plans and Thorin watched the countryside streak by the windows at a nauseating pace. He was vaguely aware this was the fastest he had ever moved and would ever move again. Mare leaned against him and looked up at him through her lashes. He raised an eyebrow and she graced him with a wide smile. Green curls tangling with Thorin's black ones. Her smile was infectious and Thorin stooped slightly to kiss her gently.

"Amralime," he hummed and she sighed against his mouth.

"My lion heart..." The train suddenly slowed and stopped.

"Out! Out, out, move out!" Jessie said shoving everyone along. She tried, very unsuccessfully to lift the Signpost, and Thorin had to take it away, much to her protest. They all hurried out into the station and then towards the street. Jessie had arranged for a private car to take them to the Tor and ushered them all inside the spacious back seat area.

"Isn't all of this a bit much? Won't they be able to track you guys?" Mara said as they started of. Jessie shifted and clutched a bag to her chest.

"We are leaving a rather large trail."

"They'll track your spendings and video surveillance."

"People will recognize the large group-"

"-with the huge case taking the private car-"

"-to the most magical place on earth," the Twins tossed back and forth.

"Isn't that Disneyworld?" Fili interjected and Jessie shifted again, leg bouncing, fingers tapping.

"Jessie what are you hiding?"

"Nothing!" she defended from Mara's inquiry.

"Drop it, girls," Pythia said and Mara shot Jessie a look, one that had often chilled Thorin's blood and Jessie slumped in her seat, refusing to meet her eyes. The ride was silent after that. It didn't take long for the car to reach the Tor. They got out and started the long walk to the Tower. It was the cold dark before dawn, when the world seems to be clinging to the dark night as desperately as a child clings to a blanket. No moon shone and thick clouds obscured the stars. They walked in darkness towards the flickering lights that marked where the tower stood sentinel over the countryside.

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