Chapter 26

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"Don't," said Thorin through gritted teeth when Kili offered him the small bag of peanuts. The brunette chuckled and opened the bag to devour the contents. It was his fifth bag. Thorin clutched the arms of the seat tightly, and the wood and cushion gave a complaining crunch. A soft hand pulled up his clawing fingers and tangling them with hers in the aisle between their seats.

"It's okay, Thorin just, calm down," she soothed as Thorin gripped her hand in anxiety. Kili wanted the window seat and to sit next to Thorin, so Mara had opted to sit across the aisle next to Pythia. The Twins were behind Kili and Thorin, and Andy and David were in the other two seats beside Pythia in the middle. Fili was in the next row back beside a stranger, but taking up the passing hours by flirting with the flight attendant, who though his mustache was just brilliant. The Twins were playing on handheld game systems, racing across Rainbow Road to the home line, and Pythia was asleep, listening to an audio book.

"The bird keeps shaking," he said through gritted teeth.

"Plane, my love, the plane. And it's only turbulence, it happens all the time. Fear not, braveheart," she said and he looked at her, half in adoration, half in terror.

"Help. Me," he said softly and Mara smiled. She brushed her thumb over his knuckles hypnotically and hummed softly. He closed his eyes and focused on her soft voice.

"I've been trying to do it right, I've been living a lonely life, I've been sleeping here instead, I've been sleeping in my bed, sleeping in my bed," she sang softly and Thorin was lulled into sleep with the soft voice of his One spiraling in his ears.

"I think you're the only person alive who can do that," Kili said, starting on a bag of chips a Thorin started softly snoring.

"Hmm?" Mara glanced up at him.

"Soothe him, make him feel safe and happy and everything he's not most days. You are what gives him strength, what drives him. Or didn't you know?" Kili teased and Mara glared. "You're practically all he talks about, you know. Then and now. You've consumed his life. He is so in love with you," Kili said and Mara stared at him, face impassive. "He's sorry. He know's you're hurt and that it's his fault. He's trying to fix it. Can't you see that?" Kili said, suddenly serious.

"I don't blame him. I don't blame him for anything," Mara said softly.

"He does. He blames himself for everything. He's trying to make it up to you and you're not exactly cooperating," Kili said pointing at her. She gaped. "You know he tried to take you on a date?"

"What, when?" she said shrilly and a few people shushed her. Kili shook his head.

"What's with you? You were all flowers and chocolate and then all of a sudden you're like against all romance," he said, looking at her.

"I-I don't-"

"She's always been this way," Pythia interrupted, headphones off for the past minute. "She gets focused on a project and she doesn't have time for anything except it. The guitar? She played everyday, skipped school three times, stayed up until two in the morning every night and barely ate for five months. When she could finally play any song by ear, she let herself be immersed back into her life. It's impressive. I imagine she was quite determined during your quest. Focused on saving your lives. Now she's focused on getting you home. She won't rest until Erebor has it's royal family again," Pythia said knowingly.

"What, no I don't-I don't do that," Mara protested.

"You do, actually. Thorin was flirting with you and trying to get your attention all the way to Erebor," Kili said realization hitting. "We all thought you actually weren't interested in him. Were you so busy trying to get to Erebor you didn't even realize-"

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