Chapter 4

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Mara was in such a state of shock at seeing Kili that she rushed off the stage. She had been told, for a decade, she had hallucinated for a week and seeing Kili made her question the existence of reality. But back in Thorin's arms, breathing in the smell of fur and wool and stone, a smell she had missed and dreamed of, she was so very certain that Middle Earth was real. It was her older brother David's clearing his throat that brought her back to Earth. She pulled back from Thorin and mimicked him, clearing her throat awkwardly.

"Wanna tell us what's up, pipsqueak?" David said firmly and Mara started to panic. If she told David he'd send her back to Helsing Mental Institution, if she told the Twins they'd believe her and they would tell David. And Andy told David everything.

"Um...remember when I ran off for a week back senior year?" she said awkwardly and smoke almost flew from David's nostrils. "These are the guys I was with," she gestured at the three Durin sons. David looked unimpressed.

"A week? That was two years," Kili said in confusion then blinked. "Oh right..." he mumbled as Fili smacked the back of his head.

"Alright, who are these goofballs?" David demanded and Thorin bristled. This brat couldn't be older than Fili! Who did he think he was?

"Aiden Turner, Dean O'Gorman and Richard Armitage," the twins said as one, each holding a sandwich.

"Mouth closed," Andy chastised and the twins rolled their eyes.

"So you ran off with the cast of the Hobbit for a week?" David demanded.

"Years," Kili corrected, earning another swat from Fili. David looked at Mara incredulously and she shrugged.

"What aren't you telling us?" he asked softly and she sighed.

"These aren't actors. These are the actual heirs of Durin," she admitted and Thorin straightened. Silence echoed. The Twins narrowed their eyes and Andy frowned. David looked unconvinced. "What can I say to prove it to you?" she asked weakly, broken and fragile as glass. David ran a hand down his face.

"Nothing, Maranda. Middle Earth is a fictitious place. I thought you were over this. I think we should talk to Doctor McGroven again." Andy covered her mouth in shock and the Twins' jaws dropped. Mara backed up against Thorin who held onto her protectively.

"David that's a bit extreme," Andy said in worry.

"Who is this doctor?" Thorin growled and David gave him a cold look.

"You're not helping. She had recovered. she was healthy, then you show up and she relapsed," he accused and Mara covered her ears.

"No she hadn't," Kili interrupted. "She may have acted like it was all a dream, but tonight..." He slipped a small knife out of his coat sleeve. David looked shocked and glanced at Mara.

"You weren't..." Mara shook her head, not denying the obvious truth, but trying to block out the confusion. Thorin held onto her as she quaked in his arms. "Maranda we've been through this," David said softly. "Suicide isn't an option."

"IT WAS TO ME!" roared Mara breaking free of Thorin's grip. "To me and my mind, I was tortured and confused and lost and so broken-this was the only way out!" she screamed and Thorin tugged her back against his chest and she hid her face in his coat, exactly like the one he crossed Middle Earth in.

"Please, just let us-" but Kili was interrupted by a knocking at the door. David yanked it open and a girl dressed in all black with an earpiece glared at him.

"If you're not playing scram," she snapped and David nodded.

"Yeah we're goin'," he growled and the girl span and left. "Pack up," barked David and the Twins shoved their food in their bags and leapt from the table in one fluid motion. Andy grabbed a white purse from a chair and Mara pulled away from thorin and ran her hands through her hair.

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