Chapter 1

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Dear Bilbo,

How is the Shire? I hope you've settled in easily enough. We all miss you, you know. You've got to come back. Really though, because so far there is no luck in the search for Mara. She is unseen anywhere in Middle Earth and Thorin is growing very ill. You have to come back and help him fight like you did last time. I'm worried Thorin might do something rash if someone doesn't talk some sense into him. He's been hanging about the treasury a lot lately and while there's no actual signs of Dragon Fever, we are all very worried. Please, come and visit. We miss you bunches.

Ever yours, Tinker

Dear Bofur,

The Shire is quiet when i left it. I will be arriving in Erebor shortly. By the time you get this I'll probably be in Rivendell. I got worried when I received your letter letter and set out at once. I'll be there soon. I found a guide to take me over the mountains, since no one can seem to find Gandalf. And don't worry about me, I even remembered my pocket handkerchief this time.

Most sincere, Burglar

Thorin was happy to see Bilbo. Really he was. He hugged the Hobbit and showed him to his quarters, earthy and amongst the royal suites. He asking about Bilbo's garden and his house and if his Oak tree had grown well in the hard winter they had experienced. Bilbo was happy to see him talking, at least, and obliged him by babbling to him over tea. Then Kili and Fili showed up with their mother, who Bilbo liked quite a bit, and they all spent a fair amount of time happily talking about domestic and foreign affairs, but it didn't last long. Thorin excused himself and was gone for several hours. It was Bilbo who found him, sitting in front of the treasury doors spinning a golden bead in his hand.

"Oh, Thorin, no," Bilbo sighed in defeat and Thorin glanced up, face melancholy and drab.

"Ah, no this isn't the Dragon sickness." He gestured for Bilbo to come over. "I made this for her," he said showing bilbo the gold and emerald hair bead. " an engagement gift. The day she vanished I asked her to marry me," Thorin said. He had clearly been holding it in a long time and seemed almost relieved to be telling someone, and Bilbo was more than happy to listened. "Four months, Bilbo. Four months," sighed Thorin with a despondent look. Bilbo gently laid a hand on his elbow.

"We'll find her. Until then you'll have to deal with just one pointy eared friend," Bilbo nudged Thorin's shoulder. The Dwarf smiled faintly then clutched the bead to his chest. "We'll find her." Bilbo promised.


Six months. Thorin was functioning, barely, mostly thanks to Fili and Dis helping steer him. If his mind ever wandered, it was their words that brought him back to reality. Bilbo had created a schedule that Thorin was to stick to to maintain structure. Thorin followed it mechanically. Kili was trying to distract him, always asking to see new parts of Erebor he hadn't seen yet. Three years and the boy was still asking for a tour. But It brought Thorin out of his own head, so no one protested. It was mid October when it happened. Fili and Kili appeared at Thorin's door with twin grins.

"We're going exploring today. I've canceled court, get dressed," Fili said in a commanding voice and Thorin just obeyed. Kili and Kili exchanged worried looks. They went deep into the catacombs of the mountain, searching and exploring, Thorin offering commentary if he knew something of interest. Then Kili found the door.

"Hey look! Where does this lead?" he asked. Thorin shrugged.

"I tried it once an age ago. It was locked," he said.

"Not locked now," Kili said as it eased open with a touch. Fili grinned.

"Now this is an adventure," he beamed and the three went in. The door eased shut behind them and the only light was Kili's lamp. The hall was dark, smooth stone for the first few feet, until a ruby as big as Dwalin's fist appeared in the wall. They all stared and Kili raised his lantern shutter. The flames showed thousands of cut gemstones in the walls, facets reflecting the light. They walked down the hall, the jewels in the wall cut in different shapes, in different patterns. Ruby, garnet, amber, emerald, sapphire, amethyst, diamond. It was a sight to see. Soon even the ground they walked on was encrusted with the stones.

"This is stunning," Kili said in awe.

"Truly," Thorin said in a soft voice. He had never heard of anything like this before. "I wish Mara could see it," he said in pain. She would have been delighted by the mystery. She wouldn't have cared about the immense value. Mahal, he wished he could be with her again. Suddenly, there was a soft humming, like someone had struck a tuning fork and the vibrations came from the gems themselves. The hall echoed and then fell silent. The three Durins shared a look.

"Let's go back," Kili said and they turned and started back the way they came. The hall slowly reverted to stone and they came to the door. Thorin pushed it open and froze as lights and sounds with the intensity of a battlefield hit him.

"This isn't Erebor." 

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