Chapter 31

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Thorin peeked into The Lab. It was big, bigger than the Green House, and filled with half completed robots, metal things he couldn't describe, vast computers and screens that seemed to hover off the ground like the taxis and cars. Papers littered the tables and chairs, even the floor. Some were tacked to the wall in a schematic he didn't understand. Mara and Jessie had been locked in there for two days now, barely eating, barely sleeping. Jessie was the only one who actually emerged, walking through the winding metal corridors in search of something. She never said what. She was just searching. There were odd little homunculus that Jessie called Automatons that acted as servants, carrying bags or machinery at Jessie's instruction. One followed each member of the Rymtec family around, and one followed the Durins as well.

Jessie was in the Green House looking at the false sun in the metal panels on the wall when Thorin looked into the Lab. Mara was kneeling on the floor, scribbling on a wide sheet of paper, hair braided back along her scalp like a horse's mane. She looked slightly frazzled. Thorin left her alone. He went by, frowning at his own thoughts. Mara was in no state to be wooed. She was in 'hero mode' according to Pythia and he still needed to prove his worth to David. He huffed in exasperation and walked into the small living room space where the others had taken to lingering. Andy and David were browsing homes in Ireland while Ben and Tom used 'computer skills' to craft them a new identity. They were bickering over a name.

Kili and Fili were talking softly but seriously over a book that they closed any time Thorin drew near. Kili would redden a Fili lifted his chin defiantly. Thorin gave up and sat down. The Automatons all stood still, oddly shaped and made of seemingly random devices. None seem overly intelligent or useful beside being able to lift things and take orders. However, Thorin's, a stouter one with long arms with multiple joints, seems to have an odd spark in it. It could sense whenever Thorin was in distress because it starts bringing him things. Ths was one fo those times.

First it was a cup of water. Then a can of soda, which Thorin refused. Then a small bag of pretzels which Thorin accepted, then a giant family sized bag which he again refused. It toddled off and was gone for quite a while until it came back, holding a brightly colored tropical flower. Jessie trailed after it, her tinfoil hat and labcoat firmly in place.

"Oh, so that's it," she said in delight as the Automaton tried to force the flower into Thorin's hand. He took it with a sigh and looked at Jessie. "He's my favorite. Call him Ralphie. Isn't that a great name. Ralphie. So-what are you guys up to? Keeping busy I hope? Wheres mom?"

"PYTHIA," Thorin said firmly, "Is sleeping. She said she had a headache."

"Oh yeah. Okay. What's happening Tommy boy and Ben? Oh hacking, I love hacking. You don't have a name yet? Oh how about-no that's too stand outish. O'Carroll? No that's old blood. Something less memorable. Mckinnons. Go with Mckinnons," and she started from the room. Thorin rolled his eyes and looked at the flower. Then was struck with an idea. He scrambled up and went after Jessie. She was back in the Green House, sitting cross legged amongst the ferns watching the sun. Thorin sat next to her.

"See, I missed the sunlight, but couldn't risk leaving the Warren. I wanted to see the sun again. So I created reverse solar panels. The Automatons installed twenty five panels in the surrounding hills and they absorb light energy, the light energy channels through the sister panels in this room, meaning all the plants receive real sunlight as they grow and that means it's all real. Which is nice." Jessie looked around her at the greenery. "I haven't known what's real for a very long time..." she trailed off, voice fading and Thorin suddenly realized why she never stopped talking.

"Jessie," he said and she turned to him. Her eyes were deep, the pupils almost nonexistent as vats irises of purple, and amber, and blue and black swirled in her eyes unnerving and shifting. "Jessie I'm going to marry Mara."

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