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They arrived at the bar. Fluttershy had never went to a bar before. Dash however had been there 4 or 5 times before with the others, not counting Rarity.

When they got inside, ponies stared in shock. They had never thought they would ever see Fluttershy in there a day in their life. Fluttershy blushed when she noticed the ponies staring.

They sat at the stools. The bartender already knew Dash on the spot, but was confused when he saw Fluttershy sitting next to her.

"I'm guessing you'll have the usual?" he said with a smile.

"You already bro"

He then turned to Fluttershy." And what can I get for you young lady?"

"Oh I...um...I'll have a um-"

"She'll have a light beer" Dash interrupted. It was right on time too. Fluttershy didn't really know about types of alcohol.

"One light beer, comin' right up!"

"You okay Shy? You seem a little off all of a sudden. Something bothering you?"

"All of those ponies are staring at us"

Dash looked back and seen many pairs of eyes looking at them, and whispering.

"So! Let them stare! It doesn't matter what they think!" Fluttershy had a flashback of when they were in junior flight camp when Dash stood up for her for not being able to fly good. Dash drunk 2 cups of her drink.

"Rainbow shhh...your making a scene. It's okay...I don't mind the stares."

"Making a scene! Making a scene!? I'll show you a scene!" Dash turned to the ponies staring at them and stood on her back legs.

"Hey! What the buck are you guys staring at! You got a *hick* problem!? If you got one then let's settle it right here and now!"

Everypony quickly turned their heads, as if they were never looking. This time she really was making a scene.

"Rainbow please. Stop. Your-"

"No! 'Cause they think it's real funny to think they can just *hick* stare at us and get away with it! Well I'm not done! Who wants to start a *hick* fight! Huh! I'm ready! Who thinks they could *hick* mess with me and my friend!?"

Dash had already had 5 full cups of her favorite drink, 'Apple Jack Daniel's: cider style whiskey', while Fluttershy was just on her 2nd one.

Fluttershy's whole face was bright red. Dash was still yelling at everypony. Fluttershy started crying and ran out the bar.

"Fluttershy wait!" Dash yelled. "Oh now look what you've all *hick* done!" It was official, Dash was drunk. She stumbled out the bar doors. Fluttershy was sitting under a nearby tree, crying.

"Fluttershy are you *hick* okay?"

"You embarrassed me in front of a room full of ponies" she managed to say between sobs. Dash thought about what had just happened, which was rare when she was drunk.

"Well I didn't mean to! You said their staring was *hick* bothering you, so I *hick* solved it!"

"But you still embarrassed me!"

"Look Fluttershy...I'm sorry...I was only trying to make you *hick* feel better. I had a little to much tonight. Can you *hick* ever forgive me?"

Fluttershy stopped crying and stared at Dash.

"I don't know yet...until then, your coming home with me...your too drunk to be home alone...I'm sure you'll be better in the morning.

FlutterDash LoveWhere stories live. Discover now