The Meeting

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Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity met back up with Pinkie as promised. When they all got there Pinkie shut the door and locked it. She did the same with the windows. She told them to go sit down at the table.

"Okay, I've called you all here for some weird news" Pinkie said with a shaky voice.

"Well what is it?" Twilight asked.

"Well I saw Dashie and Fluttershy kissing in the kitchen at the party!" Everypony gasped in shock.

"Now darling, I'm sure they would have told us if they were...seeing each other. Are you sure they were kissing?"

"Yes, yes, yes! It was on the lips and everything!"

"Well there's no drought about it, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are dating" Twilight said.

"Well sugar cube, if they didn't tell us...they obviously don't want us knowin' about they're relationship" Applejack said as she stood up.

"Applejack is right...they never told us about them, so they never wanted us knowing. I think we should act like we never knew about all of this and see if they ever tell us" Rarity said as she looked at everypony.

"So if you agree, put your hoof in the center" Twilight said while she put her hoof in the middle of the table. Everypony did as told.

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