The Party

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Rainbow Dash slowly opened her eyes. She sat up, wondering why she was at Fluttershy's cottage. She didn't remember anything from last night. She had a hangover. She looked down next to her to see that Fluttershy was laying on her rainbow tail. Dash carefully took her tail from under Fluttershy's head, trying not to wake her. She got off the bed and started pacing around the room. Fluttershy then awoke to see Dash pacing.

"Rainbow...what happened last night" Fluttershy said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Dash froze, she had just remembered everything that happened that night. Fluttershy's usually neat mane was all over the place.

"Uh, Shy listen...we need to uh, talk. It's about what happened last night"

"Oh dear...did we-"

"Yes...we did...we need to keep this a secret...a big secret. We have to make sure nopony at all finds out about can't even tell your animal friends either" Dash was serious about this. She didn't want to be called a filly-fooler like in high school.

"Oh could this happen" Fluttershy was really scared. She had just remembered that Pinkie was throwing a friend-iversary that afternoon.

"Oh my goodness! We have to start getting ready for Pinkie's party!" Dash looked at Fluttershy's clock.

"Fluttershy! We have to hurry! The party starts in 10 minutes!" Dash quickly flew to her cloud house to get ready.

7 minutes later...

Dash and Fluttershy headed to sugar cube corner as quick as they could. They promised to meet up with Pinkie in the kitchen, to help make the food. They promised to go there together.

"Hi Dashie! Hi Fluttershy!" Pinkie said as she bounced up and down with excitement."What took you so long?"

"We woke up late" Dash said nervously."We were uh...up late cleaning...animals!" Dash elbowed Fluttershy in the side.

"Oh yes...they all a...big pile of mud" She said trying to play along.

"Oh okay! Well, those cupcakes aren't going to bake their selves!" Pinkie said with enthusiasm.

15 minutes later...

The party had started. Everypony was there and ready to party. Pinkie turned on the music and they started dancing. Fluttershy called Rainbow Dash into the kitchen. Dash started sweating as she walked over to Fluttershy.

"What is it Shy? Did somepony find out about last night?"

"No, I just wanted to let you know that I forgive you"

"About what?" Dash said confused.

"Last the bar. Thank you for standing up for me" Fluttershy gave her a kiss on the cheek. Dash started to blush. Dash kissed her on the lips.

Pinkie started wondering where Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were. She seen that the kitchen light was on. She went in the kitchen to see Dash and Fluttershy kissing. She didn't make a sound. She just slowly walked out of the kitchen without saying anything.


After the party, Pinkie told everypony except Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to meet her back here later tonight.

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