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Spike told Twilight about Dash and Fluttershy because he didn't see them get back together. After Dash tackled Fluttershy he went to go tell Twilight the story.

Dash and Fluttershy were still celebrating. Twilight left as soon as Spike was done with the story. She knew that Fluttershy was easier to get to then Dash was. She knocked on the door, there was no answer.

"Fluttershy! Are you in there!? I came to see how you were doing, Spike told me about what happened between you and Dash!" There was still no answer. The door however was unlocked. She slowly opened it. She heard Fluttershy screaming.

Twilight quickly ran up the stairs and busted through the door. She saw Dash and Fluttershy in bed. But Dash didn't even notice. Fluttershy pushed Dash away. She looked up.

"Twilight! It's-"

"It's not what it looks like!" Fluttershy interrupted. Her face was red, so was Dash's.

"Looks to me you two are perfectly fine. I guess you two made up quick. What even happened?"

"Can we tell you later? We're kind of busy here" Dash said as she glanced down at Fluttershy.

"Oh! Yeah... you can tell me another time, I'll just let you two have your... fun" Twilight said as she slowly and awkwardly backed out the door. But she stopped because Dash called her name.

"Yes Dash?"

"Can you keep this... you know... a secret? Just between us three?"

"Sure... I'll just go now and let you two... finish"

"Please don't tell anypony Twilight" Fluttershy said as she got off the bed with Dash. "We tried to hide this for as long as possible. We didn't think anypony would find out"

"No it's perfectly fine for couples to do this. I just didn't expect for you to be so... loud"

"Yeah... she's kind of a freak in bed if you catch my drift" Dash said as she looked over at Fluttershy.


"Dashie?" Twilight asked as she looked at Dash with a smirk. "I thought only Pinkie called you that"

"Well not anymore. Everypony has more then one pony that calls them something. I got a few names for Fluttershy too"

"Oh really?" Fluttershy started to blush. "Can I hear one?"

"Well... can I tell her?"

"She calls me... Flutterbutt"

"Where did you get that name from?"

"Don't worry about that... just know I have a special name for my babe" Fluttershy kissed Dash's cheek.

"Well I think you two are a great couple, and I won't judge your love life. You two can spend it however you like, as long as your happy... so am I" They all hugged and Dash secretly grabbed Fluttershy's flank and smiled. She smiled back. "I hope you two have a wonderful night"

"Oh trust me... we will" Dash gave Fluttershy a seductive grin and they all laughed. They walked with Twilight to the door.

"Have a nice night you love birds" Twilight joked. Then she left. Dash and Fluttershy walked back up to her room.

"Well that was awkward don't ya think?"

"Yes, now where were we?" Fluttershy said as she pulled dash on the bed with her. They continued they're night. They fell asleep after an hour and a half.

a/n note

Hey guys... sorry this was so late, but I can explain! My phone messed up and deleted wattpad and didn't have enough space to download it back. Then my computer messed up too so I couldn't post it up there either. So just to make up for it, wait for it... I'm putting up another part up after this one! So you guys get to read this one, the next one, and just because this was 2 days late... you guys can get a 3rd part today too. So yeah, bye my little dashies!

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