The News

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Fluttershy woke up and seen Dash sound asleep next to her with her legs wide open. She smiled sweetly and kissed her cheek softly. She thought about what they did last night and got off the bed. Dash woke up to see Fluttershy walking towards the door.

"Where are you going this early?" Dash said as she stretched.

"Oh, your awake. I was just going to take a shower then go see Twilight"

"But why are you going so early? Don't you think she's still sleep?" Fluttershy looked up at the clock. It was 6:30 am. "So why are you going to go see her? Can't you just lay here with me a little longer? Why are you in such a rush?"

"Don't you remember what happened last night? After we were... done. I was just going to go ask her about that"

"But why? Are you worried you might get pregnant? Just because I have a-"

"That's exactly why I'm in such a rush. What if I am?" Fluttershy started to shiver at the thought. "I'm not ready to raise a filly, and I don't even-"

"Fluttershy, babe... it's going to be fine. Even if are, I'm sure she can help us figure it out. Just come back over here and lay down. I promise you'll be fine" Fluttershy walked back over to the bed and layed back next to Dash. "Don't worry yourself... just look at me, I'm calm"

Later at Twilight's...

"She's what?!"

"Science never lies Dash, I'm afraid she is pregnant"

"Well your machine must be wrong! She can't be! I mean... there's no way this could happen!" Dash and Twilight were in a different room then the machine and Fluttershy were. "How can I tell her this! I'm not ready to be a mom, er dad... whatever! The point is I'm not ready to raise a filly!"

"Well there's no other way to tell her, I'll try to look up some spells that can fix this. Until then, you two need to figure out if your keeping them or not"

"Wait, what do you mean them?"

"Oh uh... it's uh, twins"

"So why didn't you tell me this when you got the paper?"

"Look that's not important right now... just go tell Fluttershy while I go and try to find a spell to fix this"

Dash walked into the room that Fluttershy was in with her ears lowered. Fluttershy was worried when she seen Dash's expression.

"Fluttershy, I have some good news and bad news, which first?"

"The bad news"

"The bad news is that you are pregnant. The good news is-"

"What?! Are you sure?! Oh Dashie... I just don't think I'm ready!" She started crying. Dash went over and hugged her.

"Look babe, Twilight said she would try to find a spell to fix it, but she needs to know if we're keeping it or not. Should we?"

"I just don't know yet. I need some time to think about it. Do you think Twilight can wait until then?"

"She might have to. We need alot of time to think about... this. Wait, does this mean no more sex?" Fluttershy nodded. "Oh no... tell me now, do you want to keep the baby? I can't loose my Flutterbabe love making! Anything but that!"

"I don't want to loose it either Dashie, but we might have to... I don't know if we should keep it or not. It's just so-"

"Well I need an answer now! We can't stop the sex, it's just a part of me now!"

"Dash... your yelling again. Please stop"

"I'm sorry babe... I just can't think straight right now" Dash sat up against the machine and quietly cried. Fluttershy just held her and also cried.

Twilight came into the room with a book floating in front of her.

"I think I found a spell that can- are you guys crying? Have you decided yet?" They both looked up at Twilight.

"We can't decide. It's just so difficult to choose!"

"So you don't know yet? How about this, I can show you a clip of what will happen if you do keep the baby. Maybe you'll have a better decision" Her horn started to glow and a video appeared soon after. It was Dash and Fluttershy at the park, but the baby wasn't there. They hired a foal sitter while they went on a date. They got back home and the baby was no where to be seen. Fluttershy started crying and the video was over.

"What kind of future was that! Our baby got kidnapped?! I don't think I want to keep it, do you Shy? Shy? Are you okay? Have you thought of what we should do?"

"I just don't know Dashie. Neither one of us are ready to be parents. Maybe we shouldn't"

"Sooo... is that a yes or no you two are keeping it?"

"I guess it's a no Twilight" Fluttershy said as Dash held her.

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