Making Up pt. 1

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Fluttershy let Dash stay over that night because of what happened. Fluttershy was still a little angry at Dash.

"Are you still mad at me? I'm sorry for all of the stuff I did that day. If you are mad at me, can you at least say you love me?"

"Fine... I still love you, are you happy now?"

"No... it didn't sound like you meant it. I want you to say it and mean it"

"Dashie... I love you. Better?"

"If I can get a kiss". Fluttershy rolled her eyes and kissed Dash, on the lips. Dash finally smiled. "Better. I love you Fluttershy. I just couldn't think straight knowing I hurt you. Are you still mad?"

"Just a little. But I forgive you. I guess it wasn't all your fault. I did tell you not to go easy. I'm sorry I yelled at you". She hugged Dash, but she pushed her off. "Whats wrong Dashie? I said I forgive you. Don't you believe me?"

"I do but... I just thought it was over between us. Would you really leave me because that happened?" Tears were forming in Dash's eyes.

"Dashie, please don't cry. I was just mad at you, that's all". She hugged Dash. "To be honest... I didn't really want to leave you"

"So why did you! I thought you hated me! You made me so depressed after that!" Dash was crying now.

"I only did it because I wasn't really thinking after that happened. I couldn't really think with all that pain" Fluttershy pulled Dash closer. She stared into her eyes. "I didn't want to leave you, but I did... and I'm sorry" She thought about what Dash did all the time when they were together before. She grabbed Dash's front hooves, and put them on her flank. Dash stopped crying and smiled, but there were still tears on her face. "Am I still your Flutterbabe?"

"No... your my Flutterbutt" They both smiled.

"I guess we could celebrate us getting back together. But I think Pinkie is sleep by now. But we do have another option. That potion didn't were off yet, and I'm not hurting anymore. I think you know where I'm going with this"

"I think the only reason it hurt you was because we didn't use any lube" Fluttershy thought for a moment.

"Maybe your right. But we need to make sure we use it this time. We can just forget about that other time and make a whole new memory of... this" She wrapped her legs around Dash so that it was touching her under area.

"I missed this babe"

"Me too Dashie. Now why don't we go up to my room and have some... fun"

"You don't have to ask me twice!" She flew Fluttershy up to her room and threw her on the bed. "That didn't... hurt did it?"

"No. Now come down here and stop wasting time" She grabbed Dash's leg and pulled her on top of her. "Now... let's get started"

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