Making Up pt. 2

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Dash rolled to the side of Fluttershy. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Fluttershy got off the bed and grabbed the lube from the box and got back on Dash.

"Thank you Dashie... I almost forgot" She said as she gave Dash the tube.

"You did forget. Now that we're ready... let's get started" Dash started kissing Fluttershy's neck and turned her to her side, and lifted her leg.

"This is new... where did you get this one from?"

"I don't make everything up. I got this one from TV. Don't ask why I was looking at that... channel. Anyways,you ready?"

"More then that. Do it hard again"

"Are you sure? I mean-" Fluttershy looked back at Dash annoyed. "Okay okay. Hard it is then, but I'm going to start off slow okay?"

"I don't care... can you please just start. I'm getting impatient now"

"I can tell" Dash mumbled as she slowly entered Fluttershy. They both moaned as this happened.

"You can... go in... more if you want" Fluttershy struggled to say as Dash got faster.

"Okay then babe... if you... want it that bad" Dash grunted as she pushed in more. "Your less... tight then last time I remember"

"That might... be why... I was in so much, uh, pain last time. Uh! Faster!" Dash went faster. Fluttershy kept saying faster until it was hardcore pounding again, or the sonic rainboom. "Go in... all the way!"

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