Coming Clean

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Dash got up really early and flew home. Dash flew back over to Fluttershy's cottage. She knocked on the door, soon after a pink haired pegasus answered the door.

"Oh...hi Dashie" said Fluttershy as she hugged Dash.

"Hey Shy...we need to talk" Dash said as she put her hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. Fluttershy was very confused then she led Dash to her couch and they sat down.

"Well...what do you need to talk to me about? Is it about our wonderful night?"

"No but it is important...I think the others know But they won't say anything" Dash leaned her head on Fluttershy's shoulder.

"Oh do you think they found out? You don't think they were spying on us, do you?"

"I don't know...but I'll get to the bottom of this! And your going to help me!"

"What!? But I'm not good at figuring things out! How can I help you?"

"Your animal friends...they can ease drop on them talking...and see if they know or not! Then they come back here and tell you what they were saying!" Dash was loud now...but not loud enough for ponies outside to here her.

"Dash...please stop's hurting my ears" Fluttershy said as her ears twitched.

"Oh...he he, sorry about that. Sooo you game?"

"I still don't know if I'm up for something like tha-" Fluttershy was cut off when she looked at Dash's face. She was using the puppy eyes. If there was anything that Fluttershy couldn't was the puppy eyes.

"Oh...okay, I'm game"

"Awesome! We need to start getting ready then"


Pinkie told everypony to meet her at sugar cube corner again for yet another meeting. Everypony got there and Pinkie started.

"Everypony, I think they're on to us!" Pinkie said with a mean face.

"Why, whatever do you mean darling?" Rarity said with confusion.

"I mean I think they know that we know about they're relationship!"

"But how?" Twilight said also with confusion.

"Well sugar cube, if they know then there's no point in trying to hide it. I think we just need to tell them the truth". Everypony nodded in agreement.


Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were training the animals for the plan. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Dash went over and started to unlock it. They had been inside all morning training the animals, that when she opened the door, she squinted her eyes to somewhat shield them from the sunlight.

"Oh, hey guys...whats up?" Fluttershy walked up behind Dash to see who it was.

"Hi Fluttershy! Hi Dashie- what are you doing at Fluttershy's cottage?"

"Uh...I was...helping her feed her animals" Dash's mane was frizzy, it looked like she had been doing something else though. There was an awkward silence for a moment.

"Anyways...we need to talk to you two" Twilight said breaking the silence.

Dash gulped."You do?"

"Well it's about you and Fluttershy. We know about your little...bonding" They both blushed and started sweating.

"Well I guess there's no point in the plan since you guys know already"

"Plan?" Twilight said as everypony looked at the two pegasi with confusion.

"We were going to have some of my animals spy on you-"

"Ease drop" Dash interrupted.

"Ease drop, to hear if you knew". Dash and Fluttershy looked down with shame.

"It's okay!" Pinkie said trying to comfort the two pegasi.

"Yes darling...if you two love each other, then that's fine with us" Rarity said looking at the two.

"We really do" Dash said blushing. "We're sorry we didn't tell you guys sooner. We just didn't think you would react so...calmly"

"Well at least it turned out happy in the end" Twilight said as she hugged them. Pinkie broke the hug.

"I have an Idea! Let's have a party celebrating they're relationship!" Everypony laughed and started walking out the door. Fluttershy kissed Rainbow Dash's cheek.

"Aw...get a room you two" Rarity joked. They went to sugar cube corner for the party, and partied all night. Mr. And Mrs. Cake were gone for the month anyway.

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