The Potion

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Note: There will be ALOT of clopping in this chapter. You have been warned.

Fluttershy told Dash to come over whenever she had alot of free time. It took Dash longer then usual because she trotted there.

When she finally got there, Fluttershy was sitting out front waiting for her mate.

"What took you so long?"

"I went to Zecora's to get... something"

"Is it the... something, I'm thinking of right now" Fluttershy said as she bit her lip and wrapped her hooves around Dash's neck.

"Nope... it's better then that. I need to show you it... it will be alot better that way, I promise" Fluttershy looked disappointed after hearing that.

"What's wrong... Flutterbutt?" Dash joked. "Want me to call you something better?" Fluttershy finally looked up at Dash.

"What other name could you possibly think of now?"

"Butterflybutt. I mean... it's true". She managed to get her to smile.

"Okay, what did you have to show me?"

"We might have to... lay down for what I'm about to show you, if you know what I mean" Dash said as she turned Fluttershy around and smacked her flank. This time however, she liked it.

When they got in her room, Fluttershy pushed Dash towards the bed and onto it. She noticed something in between Dash's legs that was dark blue when she flipped over to her back.

"What do we have here Dashie? Is it candy? For me? Oh... thank you for your kindness"

"Why don't you dig in" Dash was pushing Fluttershy's head closer to her new attachment.

"You don't want me to... try it out first?" Fluttershy said as she climbed up on Dash rubbing it against her marehood.

"Let's do it then" Dash said licking her lips.

"Oh... and don't go easy on me this time" Fluttershy said with a devilish smirk as she slid it inside herself.

"You know what, you just relax. I can handle all of this. How long is it?"

"11 inches... I have this thing for a month. I'm sure we can entertain our selves with it"

"Me too, uh... it's so big... and I like it, no, love it!" Fluttershy struggled to bounce up and down on Dash's new rod.

"Eh... Fluttershy. Your so tight. It feels so good!" she began to bounce faster. It fell out, it looked shiny from the wetness of Fluttershy.

", I-I'm almost... there"

"Oh Dashie! Do you *pant* think you can *pant* last a little longer?"

"A little horny are ya huh? Well I just thought of something we could try if you want"

"Let's do it! I'm so ready! Hurry! Before I make you ready!"

" don't have too..."

"what do y- uh! oh! ah! Oh Dash! It's too big! I can't fit the whole thing! Get it out!"

"What's wrong flutterbu- butt, get on your stomach... now!" Fluttershy was frightened by Dash yelling but was quickly calmed down after it had entered her once more.

"I know how bad I've been but, you don't have to yell at me. Mmmph!"
Dash covered Fluttershy's mouth as she impaled her with her huge, throbing rod. It had no effect on the loud sounds. Fluttershy started crying. The pain was too much for her now.

"Am I hurting you babe?" Fluttershy bit down on Dash's hoof as she tried to leave the hardcore pounding. She could only nod yes and no. She shook her head yes very quickly. Dash stopped and sat up next to Fluttershy.

"You said don't go easy on you. I was only doing as you said"

"You hurt me... badly." She just laid on the bed in pain. Dash was holding back the tears.

"Fluttershy... I'm sorry! I wasn't trying to hurt y-"

"Well you did!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... do you think you'll be okay? You know I love you and wouldn't do anything to hurt y-"

"But you did!" Dash tried to put her hoof around Fluttershy, she pushed her off. Dash kissed her cheek, she wiped it off.

"Fluttershy... please. Don't act like this! I don't want to loose you!" Dash couldn't hold the tears back anymore, she started crying.

"Rainbow Dash... I think it's best if you go. I just don't think I can see you right now"

"No Fluttershy... please don't make me. I can't loose you! Your the only pony I can trust!"

"Go! I don't want to see you right now!"

"Fluttershy! No! I can't live without you!"

"I said go!" Dash finally gave up when she realized it was hopeless. She got up and started walking towards the door.

"I love you Fluttershy"

"Just go"

Wow... Dash, you know Fluttershy is sensitive, that basically counted as rape for that second part. Anyways... the news. I decided to update this every friday... get it? FlutterDash Friday? You don't get it? Well forget you then. >:( Anyways, see you next friday my little dashies! :3
Even though it's saturday.

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