~Increasing your back flexibility~

128 11 5

Hey guys!🤗

This is also one thing that 'some' people struggle with, like me🙋🏼. So here are some Tips and Tricks, as well as stretches that you can do to help improve your flexibility in your back.

• make sure you warmup before attempting any stretches you can do starjumps, running on the spot ect🏃🏻

• try to start a stretching routine to do once or twice a day that focuses on your back. Some stretches you can do include:
+cobra (lay on your stomach and lift your chest up off the floor)
+child pose
+ sitting on your knees bend back and sit on your heels
+lean forward arching your back up to the roof
+bridge (straight arms and legs) also rock in this back and forth
+ using a wall walk your hands down it and you will find your self in a back bend ect.
+bridge and walk your hands in as close as possible

• make sure that you relax and stretch your muscles the other way after doing back stretches it is very important as your back is one of those things that you possibly would like to have in good condition for the rest of your life. So lay on your back pull your legs up to you chest with bent knees and begin to rock back and forth.👯

Thank you guys! For 72 reads do you think we can reach 100 by the start of the new year?  Remember to comment any requests or questions or just general comments ect🤘🏻

Xx mikayla💘
QOTC: is your back flexible?

AOTC: it is ok not amazing like Sophia Lucias.........😻😻 goals

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