Hey guys!
So this chapter is about getting your splits.
Thankyou to Drama-Queen-Forever for this idea, so I hope that this chapter can help you and you enjoy it 😀•CORRECT POSITION~
-hips square
-weight centre
-feet pointed
You should stretch everyday or as often as possible, I stretch every night before I go to bed, if I wake up early enough I will stretch then aswell. But try to stretch at least twice a day. Main muscles that you need to stretch are your hamstrings, hip flexors and your actual hips.•STRETCHES~
-forward lunge
-backwards lunge
-splits{more detail in different stretches and what they stretch and my stretching routine chapters}
Tips to help:
-try and set your own workout routine-work your way down to the ground slowly by using pillows, stack them under neath you and when you are stretched out a bit more take away a pillow ect
-stretch regularly and don't give up
Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Remember to comment, vote and get other people to read😀
Xx Mikayla💘
QOTC: How flat are your splits?AOTC: on my right leg it is flat from the ground up to 2 over split blocks and on my left I am nearly flat on the floor and nearly flat on one block. I also have my middle splits flat, try not to go to far on your over splits cause it can ruin your hips.
Comment 'splits' if you read up to here as you enjoyed this chapter👍🏻