Zayn Imagine *requested*

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Zayn Imagine for @CATAHSAM

Unknown P.O.V

I just came back from tour, and headed home. While driving back I thought about who was waiting for me to come home...I smiled at the thought and grew more excited to see her, she didn't know i was coming home today- it's a surprise. I couldn't wait to see her beautiful face, her adorable smile and hear her cute laugh. I missed her so much...

I finally arrived at home, I parked the car, quickly took al my bags and walked to the front door. I opened the door as quietly as I could and walked in, everything was quiet. Weird, i thought.I placed my bags on the floor, kicked my shoes off and walked to our room.

The door was closed, so I opened it and there she was laying on the bed,sleeping peacefuly. I smiled and kneled down in front of her and caressed her cheek with my thumb. I lightly kissed her forhead and quickly changed into some boxers then crawled next to my beautiful princess.

I always wonder how I got so lucky to call her mine. Cat never understood why I liked her at first place... If I think about it I actually love her... I love Cat. That sounded so right...

A huge smile appeared on my face but quickly faded when I thought about how I'm going to tell her? Does she feels the same? Is it too soon? I mean we're together for about 5 month now, but I knew from the first time I laid my eyes one her that she is something special. She is the one.

I decided to take her on a date tomorrow and tell her... And these were my last thought before falling asleep next to my princess.


Unknown P.O.V

I woke up early in the morning and prepared breakfast. Cat was still sleeping so she still didn't knew that I was here. I decided to surprise her but in an different, in a special way...

Cat's P.O.V

I woke up to the sun shining brightly in my bedroom. I turned to the side and hoped to see a handsome boy laying here, but much to my disappointment it was empty. I sighed and stretched, sitting up. I took one last glance at the empty spot beside my and found a little piece of paper laying there. I frowned, what is it?, I asked myself and picked it up. I unfolded it, and read

"Amazing and beautiful not a flower or tree much prettier than that and only I can see Loving and caring right down to the core Filling me with happiness and so much more Eyes are so stunning I can't look away Gorgeous and shining I'm here to stay Here in your arms is where I belong The beating of your heart is like a song... [© Eric Pribyl]

Hey beautiful, want to know who I am ? Well then lets start the game... Follow the rose petals to know more ;) xoxo"

I was shocked. I mean who would send me such a sweet thing? I looked over to the other side of the bed and indeed there were rose petals scattered on the floor. I was more than surprised and decided to find out who would do such a sweet thing for me, I kinda hoped to see the person I hoped it would be....

I slowly followed the petals and they brought me to the living room, where I found the second note.

"Roses are red, Violets are blue,Sugar is sweet, And so are you.

I'm glad you followed my instructions, keep going, your almost there xoxo"

Again there were rose petals laying on the floor guiding me to the kitchen table. On the table was a trail with breakfast on it with, again, a little note.

"From where we are there is always a path toward love.What takes discipline is continually choosing that path.

Eat before you continue your path, I'll be waiting for you... xoxo"

I did as I was told and ate breakfast, it was delicious! I was eager to see who did this form me... Again I followed the petals who this time brought me to the back yard, I continued and stopped at the sight in front of me. There on the ground where roses laying on the ground forming a heart and in the heart was somebody; a familiar handsome lad was standing there smiling brightly at me. I was shocked but as soon as I saw him a huge smile appeared on my face. I wanted to run into his arms but I can't run, and again my Cerebral palsy prevents me to do things, but I learned to deal with it even thought it's hard...

"Zayn..." I whispered still not believing that he was here. 4 month, 4 long painful month without Zayn but now that he's back...It was worth the wait.

"Hi" he smiled back walking towards me. As soon as he was in front of me, he grabbed me and kissed me.It was a beautiful and passionate kiss, I missed him so much. We soon pulled apart.

"I missed you so much."

"Me too" I answered looking deeply in his eyes.Zayn lifted me of my feet and carried me to our living room where he sat me down and told me about the tour, what they did, the fans, and the amazing time he had with the boys.

"I , um, wanted to tell you something..." Zayn said nervously. I kinda had a feeling of what he was going to say 'Sorry Cat but I cheated on you with this girl and realised that i don't want to be with you anymore...' or something like that.I mean who could blame him, I had a feeling this day would come .

"I know we've been dating for  a few month now but I, I really like you,I love you.." I stared at him my eyes wide open my mouth probly hitting the floor. I was not  expecting this. He loves me, he actualy loves me. I was speechless.

"Look I know it's to soon and you probably don't feel the same....It's okay...I-" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. He thought I wouldn't feel the same? 

"I love you too..."I whispered smiling at him.Zayn grinned and kissed me agian. I could get used to this....

I Never Knew

I never knew about happiness;
I didn’t think dreams came true;
I couldn’t really believe in love,
Until I finally met you.

By Joanna Fuchs


(A/N): Hey! Sorry it took longer than planed! I hope you like it because I have a feeling that it didn't really express what i wanted it to be but yeah :( So tell me what you think! and for your request it was a bit hard for me cause they were things i wanted to write but wasn't sure of... so yeah sorry again! If you want I could rewrite it...oh man I feel so bad :P 

Enjoy! Oh and thank you ALL for +500 reads! <3 <3


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