°°° He's jealous of your celebrity crush.°°°

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He's jealous of your celebrity crush

Harry:You’re checking your twitter when you see a tweet of your celebrity crush Zac Efron. It says: ‘On my way to London.' You begin to fangirl and Harry just stares at you. “What's up?”, he asks you. “Zac Efron is on his way to London. Babe, we have to meet him!”, you say. Harry just rolls his eyes. “Be honest, babe. You love me, right?”, Harry asks. You nod. “Then why do you want to see him when you can see me all the time? I'm much sexier than he is”, Harry says. “Harry, you have a celebrity crush and I do and you want to meet your celebrity crush as much as I want to meet mine”, you answer. “But I can't stand the thought of you staring at him all the time. I'm your boyfriend, not him!”, he says and crosses his arms in front of his chest. “Harry, you know I love you and only you”, you say and kiss him. A smile appears on his face and he kisses you back.

Liam: You are sitting in a restaurant with Liam, when suddenly everyone take out their cameras and take pictures of something. Liam and you turn your head to where the people are looking and you see your celebrity crush - David Backham. You can’t help but stare at him. He looks at you and winks. You blush and you see Liam looking at you. “Babe, I think we should go”, Liam says while he stands up and takes your hand. “But David is here”, you reply. Liam sighs and leads you out of the restaurant. “Why do you even like him? I have abs too”, Liam says. You chuckle and kiss him on the cheek. “You are better, sexier and hotter than anyone else, But I’m at you for not letting me take a picture with him. Or even talking to him”, you reply. Liam says nothing and keeps driving home.

Louis: You and Louis are in the park, when you see Tom Daley standing there. “Oh my god, Louis. Can we go to him and ask for a picture?”, you ask Louis while staring at Tom. “Why? Can’t we just go back home? I want to cuddle with you”, he replies. “Please. You know how much I love him”, you answer and pout. “You know I hate when you talk about him while I’m with you”, Louis replies. “Yeah, because you’re jealous. Can we please go now?”, you ask. Louis sighs and says, “But I’m not taking that damn picture for you. I don’t want to take a picture of my girlfriend with another man”, Louis says and you just shake your head.

Niall: Niall and you are sitting at Nandos, where you see Josh from Union J. Niall sighs as he realizes that you are staring at him with the biggest smile on your face. “Babe, it looks like he makes you happier than I do”, Niall says with food in his mouth. You look at Niall and sigh. “Niall, you know it’s not true”, you reply. “It is. Whenever you see him, you smile an idiot. You don’t even know him personally. You’ve only seen him on TV. I bet he isn’t even that nice”, Niall says and looks down at his food. “You’re cute when you’re jealous”, you say, grinning. You lay your arm around his shoulder and kiss him on his cheek. “But you don’t have to be jealous. I’m all yours”, you add.

Zayn: You and Zayn are walking around London, when you meet Tom from The Wanted aka your celebrity crush. Tom looks at you and smiles. You blush and Zayn notices. “I don’t know what you like about him. He’s a jerk”, Zayn says and glares at Tom. You look at Zayn and smile lightly. “Don’t worry, I like … oh wait … I love you more than him. Way more”, you replay and kiss him.


(A/N): Hehe sorry Zayn's wasn't that long.at all. but I run out of ideas, lol. Anyways thank you all so much for +21K reads, makes me really really happy!! It would be cool if you could maybe also VOTE for them, i'm a bit confused since I have so many reads but only 112 votes or so...

PLEASE VOTE FOR MORE :D NEXT UPDATE AT 120 votes can you do that??

Love,Z xx

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