°°°You are dating another celebrity but he likes you.°°°

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You are dating another celebrity but he likes you

Harry: The news comes as quite a shock to you, you're laying around in bed watching the E! News when one of the headers read “Harry Styles Crushing On Justin Bieber's Girlfriend?” You stay on the show for a while until finally they talk about  what you're dying to learn. “Is Harry Styles crushing on Justin Bieber's girlfriend, this is so true. While being interviewed with the other boys of One Direction on their crushes Harry was thrown under the bus by his own band members.” They then cut to the clip of the interview and there Harry sits, cheeks flushed, eyes glued to the floor. “My... My uh crush is....””[y/n]!” “[y/n]!” The boys shout causing him to grow redder. “Justin Bieber's girl?” “Mhm,” Louis hums with a content smile. “That's the one”.

Liam: While walking the red carpet with your lovely boyfriend, Josh Hutcherson (Mother hell that boy is fine). You're surprised to learn he isn't the only man who loves you. You two are stopped by an interviewer of course she's quick to come out on who else has their eye on you. “Liam Payne from One Direction had some interesting things to say about you earlier.” She coyly admits. Josh's arm wraps noticeably tighter around your waist as she continues to talk “We asked him who he was excited to see and he said, and I quote, the beautiful [y/n]. Looks like someone has a crush on you. How sweet!” Hearing enough Josh scowls at the interviewer and tugs you firmly away.

Louis: “She's just really beautiful,” Louis admits from behind his hands, you can't help but blush causing your boyfriend, Tom Daley, to grunt rolling his eyes. You pay him no mind, however and turn your head back to the interview playing on your television. “So if you had to pick one girl to date out of anyone in the world, you'd pick [y/n]?” Louis removes his hands now showing his fully beet-red cheeks, slowly he nods his head. “And why is that?” “I dunno, I mean, I guess... She's just, She's really beautiful and She does so much for other people, Like you see her on twitter all the time helping people.. It's amazing. I've never met her yet but I sure would love too.” Getting more frustrated Tom grabs the remote flipping the television over feverishly.

Niall: “If I had the chance to date anyone in the world....” Niall restates biting his lip in deep thought, suddenly his cheeks go pink and he looks around anywhere but in the camera “It'd be.... [y/n].” “Oh, but she's taken.” The interviewer reminds bringing up the whole topic of your boyfriend for two years now, the very talented, Zac Efron. “I-I know.” Niall mutters fiddling with his hands trying to take the attention off himself. You sit on your bed, laptop in your lap, eyes glued to the screen smiling at the words and cute expressions done by Niall. “So why do you like her?” “Because she's amazing.” Niall states with a cheeky smile “Duh.” Smiling to yourself you click out of the video, vowing not to show Zac the video. But your efforts are en vain when he finds it himself and gets upset at it.

Zayn: You've been a One Direction fan since they where on the X-Factor and way before you and started dating Liam Hemsworth, so when the boys host a twitcam you get excited and beg him to watch with you. He accepts the offer and plops down in the bed next to you putting a headphone in his ear watching as the boys goof around on web cam, after a while they settle and answer a few questions, one being, if you where to date anyone who would it be, and when it gets to Zayn's turn all the boys start shouting your name. “It was suppose to be a secrete.” Zayn whines running a hand through his hair, Louis just chuckles hitting the lad lightly on the shoulders. “s'alright mate, not like she's watching.”


(A/N); Hi :)

Um so... I know this is kinda boring but i felt really bad for not updating for like 6 days now :3 and I mean all of you keep voting and supporting me which i'm really grateful for <3

I recieved alot of requests lately and i'm planing on uploading those or on Friday or Saturday, because I've been really busy with school work, my grades aren't as good as they were before and I don't want to fail any classes...I have 2 tests on Thursday and a history assignment for Friday...this'll be fun...not.

But yeah.Thanks alot for all the reads & comments/votes.

GOAL: 520 votes

Follow me on Instagram: @1dinfectionone

Kik me? Zeina123


Love you lots,
Take care and i'll 'see' you guys on Friday.


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