°°°New Year's Kiss.°°°

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Your New Year's kiss


"Niall I want to go home," you moaned into his left ear. "I know babe. Just ten more minutes till midnight. Then we can go home and do whatever you want," he flashed you a wink turning to hitch his fingers to your waist. You rolled your eyes, before looking back at the party. You've been here for the past three hours, and the most exciting thing that's happened was Niall's Uncle Jem's little anecdote about someone dinging his car's right bumper. Niall had dragged you along to his family's New Year's Eve party. He said that it's always been a Horan tradition to spend it with the family, and he didn't want to break that this year. He kissed your forehead softly before taking his hands to your hand pulling you along to meet more of his family. "Hi," you smiled weakly waving a three-fingered wave. The corners of your mouth were beginning to grow feeble from all the confrontations and introductions. "So you're the famous Y/N!" the middle-aged woman beamed towards you, "We've heard so much about you!" You've gotten that a lot tonight. "That's me," you replied. After making small talk with his aunt and uncle you walked away with him, heading to the refreshments table. "So you talk about me a lot huh?" you nudged his shoulder playfully. "What can I say?" he said breathing firmly against your neck, "There's so much to talk about it." You giggled before getting cut off by the deafening countdown. "10...9...8-" Niall pulled you closer to him so that his breathing was even more heavy and evident. "7...6...5-" You felt his strong grip against your waist as he stared deep into your eyes. "4...3...2-" You closed your own eyes breathing in his party scent. "1!" Your thoughts were bewildered as his lips were suddenly pressed against yours. "Now we can go home."


You threw your head back in pure laughter. Your hand held your own bottle of wine. Your feet propped up against the short, timbered table. Your boyfriend was within reach. "I'm so glad you convinced me to stay home with you Zayn," you said your head starting to swirl in all tipsiness. "See?" he bundled closer to you taking a large gulp from his bottle, "Why be out partying when the real party's right here." You leaned your head against his nearing shoulder. "What are the boys doing tonight?" you asked looking up at the ceiling. Zayn had made the night very romantic. First by dimming the lights so that only the leftover Christmas lights were illuminating the dark room. He had switched on the Michael Bublé Christmas album softly in the background. The dining table was set for two, with three roses as the centerpiece. He had made the best grilled chicken. You smiled sipping from your nearly empty wine bottle. "Niall's back in Ireland. And the rest are all with their family and friends I believe," he said. "Hey look! There's only a minute till midnight!" you said astounded from glancing at the brown wall clock. You leaned forward lightly placing your bottle up onto the table. You snatched Zayn's from his as well, placing it right beside yours. His head shot back in surprise as you climbed on top of him. You straddled onto him, placing your hands gently onto his chest. He grinned as your lips closed in on his. But before you could feel the clouded feeling his lips applied his finger went up to stop you. His pointer finger dropped against your lips he spoke lightly looking back to the clock, "Not yet." You groaned, already turned on by the woozy scent of wine his lips were giving off. You shifted your weight against his body as you trailed your drunken fingers across his chest lazily. "Now," he whispered. And without hesitation you kissed him hard. So hard he pulled you closer to him, pressing your bodies against each other. He rolled you around so that you were lying back against the chest his thin body now up against yours. His breath tasted of fresh alcohol and the New Year.


You wiggled your way through the crowds of people. Streamers, lights, beer being strung around your vision as you tried to make out the faces. You didn't recognize anyone. You flipped your phone out of your pocket checking the new text.
Where are you?
The ball's about to drop. It was from Alexa. You groaned, mentally swearing at your boss for letting you out late on one of the best holiday's of the year. You shot her a quick text back. I'm here. But it's so crowded. I can't find you. Above you, you could see the giant ball already beginning to descended. "F*ck," you murmured getting pushed aside by a readied couple. Their hands were already wound around each other's bodies more than ready for that special New Year's kiss. "F*ck," you said again. Of course you had no one this year to kiss. Nor did you ever. You're lucky your parents even let you come out here tonight to see the ball drop. They always told you about how crazy and wild it was. That it was no use even trying to find anyone you knew. You were starting to believe them when somebody starting screeching in your ear. "10...9...8!" You cocked your head to the side, trying to cover your ears from the roaring crowd. "7...6...5!" There! Right over the head of that bald guy was Alexa. You kept pounding your way through screaming people. You tried to call for her, but it was no use. "4...3...2!" You started stripping your way through the people faster and faster before you stopped. What was the point? All of a sudden you were confronted by a young boy. He had a mop of curly hair placed atop his head. His emerald eyes barely glistened in the illuminated night. His hand outstretched towards you smiling. Before you could question any of it, you felt his lips next to yours. "1!" You didn't know his name, you didn't know his story. But you know it was the best New Year's kiss you've ever had. It was short and sweet. The perfect kiss, that you've never felt. You pulled away grinning. "I'm Harry."


"Strike!" Liam cried picking you up. He twirled you around a few times, laughing along with you. "Pretty good for your first time Y/N!" he exclaimed setting you gently onto the ground. You smirked, you were getting pretty good at this whole bowling concept. "You're up big boy," you said handing him the pink ball and patting his chest playfully. He gave you a sarcastic look, as you passed on the lightest bowling ball they had to him. You smiled warmly pushing him closer to the lane. He shrugged, turning around to face the mocking pins. He put on a whole get up, taking numerous deep breaths, strutting his way up to the lane. You've never seen Liam so free and happy. It's probably just the holiday, you shrugged. You giggled as he took a wide lunge throwing the ball across the slick floors. It skidded through the middle before ripping off into the gutter. He spun around pouting. You walked up to him. "It's okay Li. Not everyone can be as good as the expert," you smiled sweetly. He rolled his eyes laughing. Just then the lights above you gave way. The bowling alley suddenly becoming dark, but only for an instant before a set of colorful lights were turned on. The purple and blue lights were swirling, the lanes were closing, the chanting was beginning as Liam grabbed you by the waist. "10...9...8...7...6...5...3...2..." You chanted happily along with the rest of the people as Liam's lips grew towards yours. "1!" you yelled against his lips as he dove in a few moments too early. You smiled against the kiss, as he deepened it with a gentle hand on your lower back. You leaned back, bringing your hands to clutch onto his cheeks. It was minutes before you pulled away, struggling for breath.


This sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. You were usually okay with the whole boy-band, One Direction, thing. But not when they were hired to play the whole night for a big New Year's Party. Louis had insisted you come along, so that you wouldn't be alone. He said he would come off stage whenever he could to spend time with you, but so far? Nada. You sat on a couch in the back of the venue. You crossed your legs across your freshly ironed dress. You even got a sexy, new dress for the occasion. It was a tight strapless black dress, that teased your curves with a snug. You took a sip from your margarita, cringing at it's overpowering taste. "C'mon C'mon! Move a little closer now!" You looked up onto the stage where the five cheeky boys were bouncing around the stage at high speed. You felt a little dizzy just watching. Your eyes connected with Louis' for a second before he was whisked away by Niall's touch. You sighed as the song came to a finish. "Three more minutes!" Liam yelled through the microphone before trying to sneak in another song before midnight. It was Kiss You. You knew every single one of their songs, by heart. In fact you were a die-hard One Direction fan, but not this kind of fan. "What's such a pretty woman doing alone on New Year's Eve?" you heard a masculine voice tear your eyes away from Louis. "My-" he cut you off, sitting down beside you. "Mind if I sit?" "Er-" "Thanks," he muttered bringing his hand to your thigh. You stood up as you looked into his craving eyes. It was just another guy looking for some whore to hook up with for a one time New Year's kiss. And no way in hell was that gonna be you. But before he could move any further you saw Louis racing towards you. He jumped off the stage and arrived to your side out of breath. "Get away," he snarled pushing him to the ground harshly just as the countdown began. "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1!" Louis threw his microphone off onto the couch grabbing your face in a passionate kiss. You stood, feeling his lips massagaing against yours. All the boredom, all the waiting from tonight suddenly felt paid off. You were the first to pull away, leaning your forehead gently against his. But he was the first to speak, "I'm sorry baby. Happy New's Years."

(A/n); HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014!

Any new year resolutions?

Thank you all for the +70k. Reads and +450 votes! Means a lot!

New Goal: 520 votes

Follow me on Instagram: @1dinfectionone

Also please check out my Niall Horan Fanfic 'Climbing the Walls'

Take care,

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