°°° He gets jealous of one of the boys.°°°

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He gets jealous of one of the boys


You and Harry were playing around in the pool on one of those large floating lilo things. You giggled as you splashed a large tidal wave of water onto his face, leaving him drenched. He gasps and looks at you with wide eyes. "You are so going to get it!" he laughs, pouncing on you. You both scream as you tumble into the water, still laughing. Your head pops up from under the water as you push back your now soaking hair from your face. Harry's looked no better; his curly hair was stuck to his forehead and sticking up in all directions. He shakes his hair with a massive smile on his face. "Well, that was fun." He winks. Suddenly there was a large splash and Harry's head was being pushed under the water. You let out a loud laugh as you watch Louis angrily glare at Harry's head. "DON'T WINK AT MY GIRLFRIEND, YOU PEASANT!" he screams, pushing through the water to put his arms around your waist. You smile up at him, tapping his nose as he leans down to kiss you. "Was someone jealous?" you whisper. Harry suddenly gasps and comes back up, looking at Louis with wide eyes. "Why did you do that?" he asks, lying on his back in the water. Louis smiles and pecks you on the lips quickly, a cheeky gleam in his eye. "Because she's mine."


Zayn tightened his grip on your waist once again as the young boy on the other side of the room smiled lustfully at you again. You of course had been ignoring it because you just were not interested. But Zayn was far from ignoring it; he'd been watching the boy like a hawk ever since he first smiled at you. You looked up at Zayn with a smile on your face only to roll your eyes when you saw Zayn's irritated expression as he stared at the boy. "He's really starting to piss me off..." he growled, pulling you closer to me. "Just ignore him. I am" You shrug, placing a hand on his chest with a smile. "I don't like the way he's looking at you." He growls again, ignoring your comment. You look over your shoulder and see that the boy is indeed smiling at you, but i wasn't a sweet smile. It was more of a 'perverted' smile than anything, and it made your skin crawl. "Then let's give him a message." You wink, leaning up on your tip-toes, grabbing either side of his face and smashing your lips to his in front of nearly 500 people. He moans and places his hands on your hips, smiling against your lips just as you pull away. "There is no reason to be jealous, Z." You say into his ear. "I'm not going anywhere." You smile as he brushes his lips against yours. "Good." He smirks, placing his lips onto yours once more.


"I'll be back in a minute, love." Harry smiles as he gets up from his seat in the club and disappears into the mix of people. You smile and lean back in your chair. Tonight was your (insert your age here!) th birthday and Harry had surprised you by bringing you to the biggest and best club in all of England. You were just checking your hair in the compact mirror when someone sat beside you. "Hey, Haz-" you start; spinning around only to widen your eyes and shuffle back as you realise it isn't your boyfriend. Some blonde haired boy is sitting there, cheekily grinning at you. "Um, hello." You mumble, your cheeks flushing. "Hey gorgeous." He winks, shuffling closer to you, his hand reaching out towards your thigh. You scowl and slap it away, feeling satisfied at his disgruntled look. "Listen here, buddy, i have a boyfriend." You growl, still scowling at his smirk. He licks his lips as his eyes trail up and down your body. "So? We can have a little fun, beautiful." He says huskily, leaning down towards you. You shrink into your chair, and shove your hand against his chest, only to smile as Harry grabs the back of the boy's jumper and heaves him up from his seat. His angry glare burns into the boys face. "Sure. How about we play checkers sometime?" Harry replies, cheekily, throwing the boy onto the floor and watching him run away. He smiles and slides into the booth, cupping your face. "You okay, Y/N?" he asks, smiling. You nod and lean into his touch. "He was right though." Harry whispers, making you frown in confusion. "You are beautiful." He says before kissing you.


You giggle excitedly as Zac Efron, your celebrity crush, hands you his phone number. "Call me sometime?" he says, smiling nicely at you. You nod eagerly, clutching the piece of paper tightly to your chest as if it were giving you life. You couldn't believe it. Zac Efron had just given you his phone number! Zac knew you were dating Niall and only meant to call him sometime as a friend, which you were more than eager to do. As much as you loved Zac Efron, Niall was the only one for you. You knew that when you started dating three years ago. "Oh, I'll definitely be calling you." You nod, not meaning to be funny. Zac however chuckled loudly and took your hand, kissing it as he waved goodbye to you. When he was out of sight you squealed and spun in a circle. "OH MY G-A-W-D!" You squeal, not noticing Niall come up behind you and wrap his arms around your stomach. "What happened, princess?" he asks, already knowing what happened. "Zac gave me his number!" you say, waving the paper in the air. "How nice." He growls, glaring at Zac's back as he spoke to some other people at the party. You raise an eyebrow and smirk. "Aw, is Nialler jealous?" you ask, pinching his cheeks slightly. He rolls his eyes. "Me, jealous?" he laughs looking back at Zac and back to you. "Yes." He says, with a serious face, making you laugh and kiss his cheek.


You placed your head on Liam's shoulder, gently swaying to the rhythm of the music. He placed his hands on the small of your back and held you in his arms as you both danced in perfect sync. You felt his lips press against the top of your head just as the music changed, making you smile up at him, just as he quickly pressed his lips to yours. "Want a drink, love?" he asks, pulling you away at arm's length and smiling at you sweetly. "Just water, thanks." You say, kissing his cheek as he walks away towards the bar, looking damn fine in a tux. You stay in the middle of the dance floor, swaying awkwardly by yourself until Liam comes back. You were just starting to twirl when you collided with a hard chest. "I'm so sorry!" you apologise, making an awkward face as you blush. He laughs and steadies you just as you start to fall over. "No harm done." He says, not letting go of you. You smirk awkwardly and nod your head. Liam was really the only boy - apart from the other boys - that you weren't totally awkward around. "I actually came over here to ask you something." He says, smirking at you. That catches your attention. "Oh, and what would that be?" you smile. "Can i have a dance with you?" he winks, making you freeze. He wanted to dance? With you? It was well known that you couldn't dance. You open your mouth to answer but someone beat you to the punch. "No." Liam says, wrapping his muscular arms around your neck and scowling at the young boy with an irritated expression. The boy quickly apologizes and walks off making you smile up at Liam. "Jealous that you aren't the only one that wants to dance with me?" you laugh, spinning around to face him, placing both your hands on his chest. "Have you seen yourself dance?" he teases, raising his eyebrows. You gasp and slap his arm, making him pull you closer to him and kiss you on the forehead gently.

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