°°°Skype Calls°°°

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°°°Skype Calls°°°


You lay on you and Harrys bed, aimlessly scrolling through tumblr. Harry had just left for tour, for the first time on Friday and you were having major withdraw symptoms. Missing every single detail about him, even the ones that drove you insane. Suddenly your laptop started ringing, and you had a feeling who it was. You clicked answer to the Skype call for Harry. It took a moment until his beautiful face popped up on your screen.

"Hey babe." He started, messing with his curls.
"Hey Harry, how have you been doing?" There was a silence as he looked down at his shoes. Before reconnecting eyes with you through the screen.
"I miss you so much, (y/n)." He sighed ending with a fake smile. You tried to smile back for moral support but it seemed hard.
"I miss you too, Harry. Its getting lonely over here with just me and Scarlett." You giggled speaking of the cat you two bought together.
He chuckled softly. "Uh, (y/n), since I've left on tour I've realized something."
"What?" You smiled.
"I really love you."
The first 'I love you' between you two. Your breathe hitched in your throat. Heart thumping against your ribs, small tears formed in the corners of your eyes.

"Oh god, Harry I love you too. So much."


You were currently at a Sleepover at your new place with two of your best friends just having a girls night. Missing your boy that has left  for the American tour the other day. You lied on the floor with your head in your hand resting your elbow on the carpet.  (Y/F/N) on your right side and (Y/F/N) on your left. Watching a movie on Netflix on your laptop. You and Niall had just got a place together, and they insisted on coming over, unfortunately Niall hadn't put up the t.v.

The movie went out as Nialls Skype appeared on the screen. The girls groaned but you just giggled. You clicked the answer button. Nialls face smiling brightly made your night immediately.
"We'll leave you two alone." (Y/F/N) giggled, nudging you. They both headed to the kitchen.
"Hey baby." You gushed wishing I could hold him one more time.
"Hey love, how are you and the girls?" His Irish accent husky asked.
"Well I've been missing you like crazy, but we're doing fine." You smiled sadly.

"Well I have to go, I just wanted to yer face. I love you babe."
"I love you too Niall." You blew a kiss then closed your laptop with a sigh.

I was whipped for this Irish blondie.


You hung up pictures on your wall of you and Louis, some were you and your best friends, the boys, the girlfriends in Paris. Your sister (y/s/n) came running upstairs with your computer, which you let her borrow.

"(y/s/n)! I told you to be careful with it! What did you do?!?" You screamed rushing over to your computers aide. Your computer was your baby."Oh, that's my (y/n). Sassy as always." Louis sweet voice entered your ears. You immediately relaxing by the sooth of your boyfriends voice."(y/n) has been moody ever since you left and calling me a bi-" You ripped the computer out of your sisters hands.

"That's enough my muffin now go play with your barbies." Louis chuckled, you sat on your bed smiling, finally seeing Louis face.

"Hello Love."

"Hi, Louis." You giggled, he still managed to get your stomach flipping. "How've you been?"

"Missing you, tours been a handful, missing you, Niall made a macaroni necklace, Missing you." There was a silence. "Did I mention missing you?"

You chuckled, "I miss you so much."

"I love you (y/n)."

"I love you more, Louis."


You sat in the bunk scrolling through your twitter feed just minding your own business when Liams Skype showed up on the screen. You rolled your eyes answering it.

"Hey Liam, you know I'm right above you." You whispered since everyone else was asleep. He cheekily smiled,

"I wanted to talk to my baby." He whined/whispered through the camera. You heard him under you too, earning a giggle from you.

"Come and sleep with me." You demanded, he nodded shutting off Skype and sleeping in your bunk for the night.


Hello :) I'm back with a new preference!

i just wanted to thank you for still reading this book even thought i haven't updated in like forever... but yeah hope you liked this one <3

that was necessary. hehe.

i hate naughty boy but i am very excited for zayn's album *_* .
Zerrie thought :/ didn't expect them to break up tbh.

LOUIS AND THE BELIEVE IN MAGIC BALL iehfaiuhguirhiuahuihruihgiu SO CUTE <3
Briana is kinda weird idk... 

I love you guys xx


i am obssessed with 5sos - its a whole new level of obssession- i freaking dream about them is that even normal? :)))) i want to write a 5sos preferences book too woud you read it?

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