Niall Imagine *requested*

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Niall imagine for @xoxosteff03

"Why not?" you whined to your brother Zayn. "Because..." he whined back in the same tone you used. "I'm going to meet them eventually, so why can't I meet them sooner?" You were currently talking about meeting the rest of the boys. Being Zayn's little sister was hard sometimes, but you loved him and what he did.

"Because you can meet them then. We're busy right now, you'll just be a distraction." With a scoff you say "You act like I'm am child who needs attention. I'm not, I'm only a year younger than you, and I would not be a distraction." He frowns and crosses his arms and you do the same, staring at him "I could do this all day." he says and you nod "I've got nowhere to be." you reply and he frowns "You're stubborn." "So are you." you pout back and he tries to hide his smile. After a few minute of this there's a knock on the door, and you know it's the boys.

"Please?" you ask again and he shakes his head calling "Come in guys." then he picks you up and slings you over his shoulder. The boys come in and you bang on his back, laughing "Zayn! Ugh come on! Let me down!" You look up and see the boys smiling at you, Niall had a particularly wide grin. You wave and say "Oh hello, nice t-" but Zayn has reached the top of the stairs and put you in your room. "Stay here." he says and you stick your tongue childishly at him. He laughs softly and closes your door, and you flop down on your bed. "Why does he have to be like this?" you scoff sitting up, now turning your Ipod on full blast, it blaring under your door. "Steff!" you can hear Zayn call so you open your door and shout "What"? "Turn the music down, now!" You slam your door and turn the music down "Yes father."

After about an hour, you hear a voice, a strong Irish accent fills your ear and you get up and open your door. "Oh hello." Niall says and you smile to him "Hi, sorry, I was just going to go downstairs, didn't mean to interrupt your path." He laughs softly and shakes his head clearing a path for you. "Thanks." you blush, climbing past him and down the stairs, and into the living room. "Sorry, I'm not here, just going for some water." you say, covering your face, and walking past them fast. "It's fine Steffy, you can come hang out if you'd like." Zayn says and you smile, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge "You sure, I don't want to impose, I don't mind hanging out in my room." He shakes his head and smiles "No, come here little sister." he smiles patting the seat next to him and you smile and take it.

"So guys this is Steffy, my sister, and Steffy this is Liam, Harry, Louis, and Niall is somewhere." You nod and smile at them "Yeah, I've met Niall on the stairs." Zayn nods then starts the conversation back up, and through the course of the night, you have to admit you were really starting to fit in, and feel comfortable. "Night guys!" you call as they leave, leaving you and Zayn alone.

"I think that went rather well." you smile, proud and he nods "A bit too well." you smile and ask "What do you mean?" "Oh nothing, night." he says, leaving you in the living room, dumbfounded. A few months later, hanging out with the guys was a regular thing for you. Niall was amazing. He made you laugh constantly, and they all were just really fun to be around. Zayn was running a bit late, so it was just you, Harry, Niall, Liam, and Louis.

"Hey babe, can you get me a water from the fridge please?" Niall asks, sending butterflies through your stomach, "Sure Ni." you say, and get up as a big smile spreads across all of their faces. "What's so nice that all of you are smiling?" You ask, reaching for the door handle, and Harry and Liam giggle together, Niall shooting them a warning look. "Seriously guys, did I sit in something?" You ask, then are silent when you open the fridge. Instead of actual edible things, it was filled with roses, white, red, and black roses.

"What the-" you ask. turning back to the boys who were looking at Niall now, and your jaw dropped. "Uhm wha-" you ask, running a few shaking fingers through your hair. "Oh, guess this is where I talk right?" he laughs nervously, getting a small chuckle from your lips. "Shit, I was ready for this, and now, I'm f*ck I'm shaking like a leaf." He chuckles again and you smile.

"Niall..." you start, then he shakes his head and starts again "Look, I'm just going to cut to the chase." he says, moving towards the fridge pulling a red rose out. He smiles and says "I like you, and it's as simple as that. Would you like to go out with me?" You smile and nod as he gives you the rose "I'd love to." you say, pecking his cheek, then you have the urge to kiss his lips which you do, softly and gently, as you hear Zayn yell "Oi!" you pull away fast and blush, running to your room with the rose, excited for your date with Niall, because you didn't want to jinx it, but he could the one.

(A/N); here ya go, hope you like it Steffy! :D

OMFG 185 votes *_*

And as a thank you, I'll be uploading a preference in like 5 minutes or so that I wrote a while ago.

Thank you all so much for reading and voting and requesting, it means so much to me, you have no idea!

Xoxoxo, Z.

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