°°° Silent treatment °°°*requested*

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Silent treatment.
For @LaurenLM1D

During in a live interview, Harry gave out a little too much information about your relationship. For his punishment, you were not going to talk to him. It would be hard, but somehow you were going to have to pull through. "(Y/N)! I'm home, love!" Harry shouted from the front door, expecting you to run into his arms like you always do. You couldn't help but giggle quietly to yourself in your bedroom. You heard Harry coming upstairs and immediately put on a straight face. "Hi love! How are you today?" Harry asked you. You kept reading your book, not bothering to look up. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Harry said, walking towards you. He tried to kiss, but you pulled away. "What did I do now?" Harry asked. You gave him the "you know what you did" look. Harry stayed where he was and started to think of all the recent things he did that might have upset you. That's when it hit him. "(Y/N)! I'm so sorry! I just got carried away and started to ramble," he said. You ignored him and pointed to the door. He was about to leave when he spun around and ran towards you. He knew you were ticklish and you hated that you told him that a few weeks ago. Harry started to tickle you. You started squirming, trying to get out of his grip, but it was no use. You tried to kick him in the nuts, but you missed. Finally, you gave in. "HARRY! STOP IT!" you screamed, laughing. "I win!" Harry shouted, "But I really am sorry, love! I didn't realize what was happening." In response you kissed him and said, "I know, Harry. I forgive you."

You and Liam decided to have a movie night since he has been busy with the band. You had everything set up when Liam texted you: "Sry love, but management is makin us stay @ the studio longer than we thought. Plz dont b mad. Luv u! C u when I get home. -Liam x" You were pissed. The one day that you had to spend with Liam and he can't come. When Liam came home later, you had already gone to sleep. He was about to walk into the bedroom when he saw a note on the door: "You can sleep on the couch tonight!" Liam knew you were mad, so he didn't disobey your orders. When you were making breakfast for yourself the next morning, Liam came in. He tried to apologize, but you walked out of the kitchen with your food, not even acknowledging his presence. Liam gave you some time alone. You were in your room watching TV when Liam knocked on the door. You ignored it, but Liam let himself in and sat next to you on the bed. You turned your head and looked out the window. You started to crack a smile. You tried your hardest to hide, but Liam had already saw it. "(Y/N), please talk to me. I know you're mad, but its not my fault. I have to work." You looked at Liam and sighed, "I know, Liam. I'm sorry. I can't stay mad at you."

It was your birthday. You woke expecting your boyfriend, Louis to wish you a happy birthday before you went to work, but he was sound asleep. You got ready for work and left. All throughout the day, you kept checking your phone for any texts or calls from your boyfriend. Nothing, No flowers, either. This put you in a terrible mood. When you got home, Louis was sitting on the couch watching TV. "Hi love! How was work today?" Louis asked you, being his usual cheery self. You rolled your eyes and went to your bedroom. "Oh great, she's mad at me! What did I do now?" Louis mumbled to himself. He went to check the calendar to see if you were on your period. "Oh crap!" Louis said. He ran upstairs and flew through the door yelling, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, (Y/N)!" You looked at him, trying not to laugh, but you failed. "I'm so sorry I forgot your birthday! To be completely honest, I didn't even know what month it is, but that is no excuse. I am a bad boyfriend, I know. I'm really sorry, (Y/N)." You got up from where you were sitting and walked over to Louis and gave him a hug. "I'm sorry I was mad, Louis. I know you're busy, but really should have known it was my birthday." "I promise I will make it up to you," Louis said, kissing you.

You wanted to prank Niall, but you had no idea what to do. You had Louis, the master of all pranks, help you think of something. The two of you finally decided that you were going to give him the silent treatment. All the boys were coming over to watch a movie at the apartment that you and Niall shared after they were done at the recording studio. The was a knock on the door and all of the boys barged in. "Hi (Y/N)!" Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Louis all said. You gave Louis a thumbs up to let him know that the plan was in motion. Niall came strolling into the kitchen where you were an attempted to give you a peck on the cheek. You turned your cheek and walked into the living room, completely ignoring him. You sat on the couch next to Louis. Niall sat on the other side of you. He put his arm around you, but you nudged it off. All of the boys looked at the two of you in amusement. Louis had probably told them the prank. About twenty minutes into the movie, Niall snapped. He jumped off of the couch and said, "Okay, (Y/N)! What did I do? Why aren't you talking to me? I can't take it anymore!" You looked at the other boys and started cracking up. Niall looked at all you with a confused expression on his face. "I'm sorry Niall. I tried to make you think that I was mad at you, but I failed miserably. I can't stay mad at you," you said, getting off the couch and giving Niall a kiss. "GET A ROOM!" all of the boys yelled, throwing pillows at the two of you.

Zayn was on tour and you had to stay behind for various reasons. Every night you would Skype and call or text each other throughout the day. One day, your friends took you out shopping. While you were out, you passed a newsstand. On five different magazines was the headline: "Zayn Malik Out with a New Girl." You were devastated. Whenever Zayn called or texted you, you didn't answer. You didn't even want to think about him. You even missed the Skype call. Zayn started to worry about you. The next day, you got a call from Liam. You answered it. "(Y/N)! Zayn is worried about you! You haven't answered any of his calls, responded to any of his texts, and you missed your Skype date. What's wrong?" "Tell Zayn to think twice about when he cheats!" you shouted into the phone and hung up. A few hours later, you got a call from Harry. "What Harry?" you answered coldly, not wanting to talk. There was no answer. "Hello? Harry?" All you heard was breathing. "Harry! What the heck is going on?" "(Y/N), its Zayn." "What do you want?" you hissed at him. Zayn started to explain the whole situation. He was at a club with the boys and a girl threw herself at him. He finally got away from her, but it was after the paparazzi had gotten the pictures. When he was done explaining, he said, "I understand that you're mad at me, but it wasn't my fault. Please just say something!" "I'm not mad anymore, Zayn. I'm sorry I ignored you," you said, breathing a sigh of relief. "I love you, (Y/N). Only you! I have to go on stage. I'll call you after." "Bye Zayn. Love you too." You hung up, feeling stupid for believing the rumors.

(A/N); hey! I'm so sorry, i actually wanted to update this before but I forgot😂☺.

Anyways I won't have Internet for like 3 days, I'm actually using wifi from the restaurant I'm currently at. So gonna make this quick, i hope you like this!

Thank you all for commenting and voting!

QOTD: Favorite drink?
I love Ice-tea peach flavor!

Oh and a special shout out to @Zcupcake_1 who recommend me the Harry Styles fanfic 'suit and tie' that I have been absolutely loving. i read it in like 2 days its amazing. thanks❤ily

Okay, g2g.
I love you❤ take careee!

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