Harry Imagine *requested*

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Harry Imagien for Nezzy_Styles

So many thoughts went through your head as you read an article about your husband supposedly getting with another girl on tour, and having a side relationship with her. You weren't the type to believe these things but Harry had been distant lately, and wasn't very talkative, he was either asleep or recording, or doing interviews with the boys.

"Come on Darcy up to bed.",you sweetly say as you pick her up and carry her upstairs, "Mummy why are you crying?" she asks as you lay her down.

"Uhh Mummy just read something that was sad, don't worry sweetie, go to sleep." you say covering up the real reason, "Will daddy be home to read me a book?" she asks, "Sorry sweetie not tonight, maybe tomorrow." you whisper, and seeing the disappointment in her eyes, which made you even sadder, you kissed her for both you and Harry before going down stairs. You went to the window and cried as you saw Harrys car pull up in the drive way, you turned and went out the back and stood on the decking letting the tears hit the floor, hoping Harry wouldn't notice you outside.

"Y/N?" he questions as and comes outside, you didn't answer him you just stood there arms crossed, facing the garden. He walks in front of you, "What's wrong?" he asks looking into your eyes, "You tell me Harry, where have you been lately, actually no answer me what did you do on tour that you didn't tell me about?" you ask crying,"Y/N what do you mean I didn't do anything on tour?"

"Really Harry so all the articles that have been written about this mystery girl you have gotten with while on tour, is all fake?", "Wait you actually believe those articles, how many times do we have to go though this, you can't always believe what you read." Harry says getting upset, "Harry how can I not sometimes believe them come on, look at how you act?" you ask raising your voice, "y/n you don't believe me, and what do you mean how I act, what about how you act?" he says harshly, "How I act? ah Harry while I am at home looking after Darcy millions of things are being written about you, and I don't seem to get a chance to talk to you about it, you're either asleep, at the studio or you're just being distant" you shout.

"Babe, you know this is my job, my job is to record, do interviews and stuff, I can't always be here. I'm not distant, you're the one that hasn't been talking to me much, so I just leave you because I don't want to upset you even more." Harry says, "Harry I know it is your job but you're forgetting that you have a family, well sorry I have a reason to be distant from you at least, and it isn't because I am off with someone else like you seem to be." "Y/N I am not off with anyone else I swear, those articles are all a heap of crap, I would never think of doing anything like that, oh yeah and what is your excuse?" he asks still heated. "Daddy why are you yelling?" Darcy asks cutely, as she comes outside, "Sorry Darcy I didn't mean to yell, uhh come on go back to bed." "No daddy, why is mummy crying, and I want to stay with you" she says, as she puts her arms up, urging Harry to pick her up. He picks her up and she cuddles into him. "Darcy can you go inside for a second, I need to say something to mummy?" Harry asks cutely.

"Are you going to yell again?" she asks, "No sweetheart I'm not I promise" he answers as he puts her down, she walks inside and closes the door but watches from the inside. "y/n" he whispers and pulls you in closer, "I shouldn't have raised my voice at you. But believe me the articles aren't true I promise you, I would never do that, I have tried not to be distant from you but you have been upset lately and I haven't wanted to make you worse, so I left you, I am sorry, I try my best to be here for you and Darcy but these articles, and my schedule doesn't make it easy." he softly states, "Harry it is hard not to believe the articles when I don't know what you get up to on tour and stuff, and I'm sorry too." you reply, "I know I understand luv, but you know I wouldn't do anything like that, and why are you sorry, you haven't done anything?" he asks, "Because thinking about it I have been a little distant from you, and I'm sorry for making an argument from the stupid article." you sigh as you start to wipe away your tears. Harry takes over wiping your tears, "It's okay it's better you let everything out then to keep it yourself, and I am sorry too." he whispers before kissing you quickly on the lips, you smile up at him and he smiles back. "you said you had a reason for why you were distant, just curious what is it?" Harry asks.

"Well I wanted to tell you sooner but every time I got the chance either you were asleep, or Darcy interrupted." you slowly say, "YEah what is it?" he asks, "Well you're going to have to be around a little more, I'm kinda pregnant Harry." you stutter nervously. He was happy, and kissed you even more, and was so excited. "Harry we can't let articles and things get in between us, and argue." you then say after he was finished jumping around. "Yes luv I'll do what it takes to stop the articles and make sure we don't argue, and I'll try take time off and be around the best I can." he excitedly says, making you laugh at how happy he was. You both walk back inside and Harry picks Darcy up and gives her a big kiss, "Let's go out for ice cream" he states and Darcy agrees happily, "but it's cold." you whine, "Come on luv" Harry insists, and you all end up going for ice cream as one happy family. When you get back Harry tweets how upset he is about the article and how upset you were, and said that the article was fake.


(A/N): 1082 words.... looked longer on my Ipod notes....hehe. Sorry for the wait, but I'm on vacation now WHOOO!!!!! So i'm in france now, at the beach, just awesome :D great place to write.

Anyways thanks for your votes and reads and comments!

Next update at 130 votes!

Peace out <3

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